Contents Strategic Planning Process Flow Vision, Mission DoT Values DoT Programmes Organizational Structure DoT Strategic Objectives Notable Achievements Challenges Strategic focus Key Initiatives over the MTSF Performance Targets for 16/17 Performance Targets per Programme
Strategic Planning Process Flow
DoT Vision & Mission VISION “Transport, the Heartbeat of Economic Growth and Social Development” MISSION Lead development of efficient integrated transport systems by creating a framework of sustainable policies, regulations and implementable models to support government strategies for economic and social development.
DoT Values Maintain fairness and equity in all our operations; Strive for quality and affordable transport for all; Stimulate innovation in the transport sector; Ensure transparency, accountability and monitoring of all operations; and Ensure sustainability, financial affordability, accessibility as well as upholding of the Batho Pele principles.
DoT Programmes Department of Transport: Programme 2: Integrated Transport Planning Programme 4: Road Transport Programme 3: Rail Transport Department of Transport: “Transport, the Heartbeat of Economic Growth and Social Development” Programme 5: Civil Aviation Programme 6: Maritime Transport Programme 7: Public Transport
DoT Organizational Structure
Strategic Objectives SG 1: An efficient and integrated infrastructure network that serves as a catalyst for social and economic development SO 1.1 Facilitate integrated macro-transport systems planning to guide investments in the sector; SO 1.2 Promote local, regional and continental integration of transport infrastructure and operations; SO 1.3 Improve economic transformation and performance of the transport sector; SO 1.4 Ensure a sustainable transport infrastructure network; SO 1.5 Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the rail transport sector.
Strategic Objectives SG 2: A transport sector that is safe and secure SO 2.1 Ensure a safe railway and conducive regulatory environment; SO 2.2 Regulate and enhance road transport safety; SO 2.3 Regulate and enhance civil aviation safety and security; SO 2.4 Regulate and enhance maritime transport safety and security
SG 3: Improved rural access and infrastructure and mobility Strategic Objectives SG 3: Improved rural access and infrastructure and mobility SO 3.1 Provide quality rural public and scholar transport
Strategic Objectives SG 4: Improved public transport services SO 4.1 Promote sustainable public transport; SO 4.2 Improve public transport access and reliable
Strategic Objectives SG 5: Increased contribution to job creation SO 5.1 Create job opportunities through the implementation of road transport programmes and internships; SO 5.2 Create job opportunities in civil aviation through the promotion of aviation at schools, the Transformation Letsema and the commemoration of the International Civil Aviation Day (ICAD); SO 5.3 Create job opportunities in the maritime transport sector through implementation of relevant charters and legislation; SO 5.4 Create job opportunities through training and placement of interns
Strategic Objectives SG 6: Increased contribution to transport to environmental protection SO 6.1Reduce GHG emissions in the transport sector (National Reduction Target = 34% by 2020); SO 6.2 Minimize aviation noise, emissions and disaster risks SO 6.3 Reduce level of pollution at sea through implementation of conventions and legislation
Strategic Objectives SG 7: Effective and efficient management and support SO 7.1Reduce GHG emissions in the transport sector (National Reduction Target = 34% by 2020); SO 7.2 Minimize aviation noise, emissions and disaster risks; SO 7.3 Reduce level of pollution at sea through implementation of conventions and legislation.
Notable Achievements 2015/16 Completion of the framework for Port Tariff Structure, which is aimed at ensuring that the mining sector is subsidised by a tariff structure weighted in favour of raw exports The draft chapter of the Private Sector Participation (PSP) Framework was developed and will be implemented over the MTEF. This focuses on bringing about private sector investments in the Ports and Railway sectors as a means of increasing railway carrying capacity beyond Transnet Freight Rail (TFR), and port operations capacity beyond Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) Progress has been made in the rolling out the rural roads programme relating to the improvement of key access roads, expansion grading and paving of road surfaces through labour-based methods in targeted rural areas.
Notable Achievements 2015/16 Approval of the Branchline Strategy, advocating for concessions to private enterprises to operate and run some of the branch lines, reducing cost and access to markets whilst in the process creating jobs for locals. The Strategy will also include a practical plan for the introduction of the private sector in branchlines The N2 Wild Coast project has been granted full support by the PICC which indicated that a monetary contribution could be available from the fiscus To date three (3) vessels have been added onto the South African ship register The draft review of the Airlift Strategy, has been completed and was presented to Cabinet. It responds to the airfreight challenges highlighted through the National Airfreight Logistics Strategy (2005). It also aim to enhance the prospects for South Africa as a preferred air travel destination. Implementation will commence in the new year The National Learner Transport Policy was approved by Cabinet for implementation
Notable Challenges Budgetary constraints resulting in DoT’s inability to reduce vacancy rate Turnaround time in stakeholder consultations delays processes Road fatalities still require vigorous interventions Fraud and corruption in the sector remains a concern DoT oversight role over Entities needs to be strengthened Integration of transport system and services in rural areas (accessibility and mobility) Reduction of inequality, particularly amongst the youth and women needs to be prioritized
Strategic Focus Improve access to economic opportunities and social space; Advance economic development Ensure greater mobility of people and goods Promote regional integration Unlocking the potential of SMMEs, cooperatives, townships and rural enterprises Advance the aspirations of Operation Phakisa, through promoting growth of the ocean economy Continue to improve rural access, infrastructure & mobility
Key initiatives over the MTSF 1. Creation of a Unit that will ensure implementation of interventions aimed at supporting objectives of Operation Phakisa: Oceans Economy. Finalize the National Transport Maritime Policy Develop a private sector participation framework; Support the local ship building and repairs industry; Revitalise the current ship registry; Create a conducive policy and legislative framework
Key initiatives over the MTSF 2. Submission of the National Airports Development Plan to Cabinet Airports contribute to socio-economic development in a range of ways, including: Improving accessibility for people to geographical areas, whether for personal, essential services, business or tourism reasons; Allowing for “time critical” in- and out-bound freight; Making a location more attractive for investment by certain sectors, in particular knowledge intensive industries, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, universities, and financial services;
Key initiatives over the MTSF 3. Maintaining Road Infrastructure R573 Moloto Road will be upgraded at a cost of R3.7 billion. SANRAL’s budget has increased by R1.4 billion over the medium term for the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project (GFIP) and by R1.7 billion to strengthen the non-toll road network. Road infrastructure damaged by disasters will be rehabilitated at a cost of R848 million over the medium term, through an additional allocation to supplement the reprioritisation in the Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant (PRMG). Overall, spending on transfers in the Road Transport programme is expected to increase to R30 billion in 2018/19.
Key initiatives over the MTSF 4. Upgrading Rail Infrastructure and Services: Rail infrastructure will be the fastest growing area of departmental spending, and the Rail Transport programme is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.5 %. Transfers to the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) are mainly for acquiring new trains for Metrorail, the commuter rail operator in major urban areas. The transfers are also for upgrading signalling systems and refurbishing coaches. Over the medium term, 507 (2016/17), 522 (2017/18) and 538 (2018/19) passenger trips will be subsidised through operational subsidies
Key initiatives over the MTSF 5. Enhancing Public Transport: The Department’s transfers to municipalities for public transport, are expected to increase at an average annual rate of 6.6 per cent over the medium term. The subsidies will support a projected 180 000 weekday passenger trips on the Rea Vaya bus network in Johannesburg over medium term, which is triple the number in 2015/16. 90 000 weekday passenger trips on the My Citi network in Cape Town are projected for 2018/19, which is double the number in 2015/16. The new allocation formula for the public transport network grant from 2016/17 will ensure greater equity and efficiency in the allocation of these public transport resources. The Department will also review the Taxi Recapitalisation Model to improve its effectiveness and affordability
Key initiatives over the MTSF 6. Regulation and enhancement of transport safety and security: Develop and implement the National Railway Regulator Amendment Act and National Rail Safety Strategy The Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offenses (AARTO) Act will also be amended and rolled out in all provinces The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) Act will be amended and implemented The Road Safety Strategy will be finalised and submitted to Cabinet The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has been tasked to establish the terms of reference for the harmonisation of road traffic law enforcement and the establishment of a Single Traffic Police Unit.
Key initiatives over the MTSF 7. Reducing inequality and poverty alleviation: The department will develop a transport sector gender empowerment policy The Minister of Transport will implement a 50% target for women representation in Boards of Directors of sector entities Targeted recruitment and selection will be prioritised in line with women targets Centralised DoT database of all women-owned entities will be established and a skills audit will be conducted for all women-owned entities to address skills gaps As part of monitoring and evaluation, the department will compile a status report on the transport sector socio economic empowerment programmes for the designated groups
Performance Targets set for 2016/17 Total number of performance targets = 53 Administration = 10 ITP = 7 Rail Transport = 6 Road Transport = 10 Civil Aviation = 8 Maritime Transport = 5 Public Transport = 7
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme1: Administration Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.3 Enhance socio-economic transformation of the transport sector Develop the Transport Sector Gender Empowerment Policy Monitor implementation of the Transport Sector Gender Empowerment Policy Develop the status report on the transport sector socio-economic empowerment programmes for GDYC Conduct seven (7) GDYC Community Outreach Campaigns Conduct nine (9) GDYC Community Outreach Campaigns Conduct ten (10) GDYC Community Outreach Campaigns
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme1: Administration Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 7.1 Provide strategic support and corporate services Provide strategic support on PICC projects Provide strategic support on PICC projects Implement the Integrated Communications and Marketing Plan Review the Integrated Communications and Marketing Strategy Implement the Human Resource Development Framework Assess the impact of the Human Resource Development Framework Develop inception report for the review of Founding Legislations of Transport Public Entities Facilitate the review of the Founding Legislations Implement findings and recommendations of the review process Develop proposed draft legislative amendments Develop and implement the programme management dashboard Monitor implementation of the programme management dashboard Review the programme management dashboard
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme1: Administration Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 7.2 Ensure good governance and a sound internal control environment Develop and monitor action plans to address audit findings Develop and monitor DoT Risk Management Strategy Monitor implementation of risk strategy
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme2: Integrated Transport Planning Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.1 Facilitate integrated macro-transport systems planning to guide investments in the sector Facilitate the Implementation of NATMAP 2050 Priority Pilot Projects Monitor NATMAP 2050 implementation Projects Impact assessment of the NATMAP 2050 Projects Submit the White Paper on the National Transport Policy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the White Paper on the National Transport Policy 1.2 Promote national, regional and continental integration of transport infrastructure and operations Submit the Road Freight Strategy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the Road Freight Strategy Develop the Draft Regional Transport Integration Market Access Strategy for SA. Submit the Regional Transport Integration Market Access Strategy for SA to EXCO quality assurance Develop a model for quantification for Transport and Logistics costs at key border posts. Annual update of model for quantification for Transport and Logistics costs at key border posts. Develop Harrismith Hub framework implementation plan Monitor Harrismith Hub Implementation Plan
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme2: Integrated Transport Planning Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.3 Enhance socio-economic transformation of the transport sector Develop the Road Tariff Determination Framework Submit the Road Tariff Determination Framework to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the Road Tariff Determination Framework 6.1 Reduce GHG emissions Submit the Green Transport Strategy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the Green Transport Strategy Monitor implementation of the Green Transport Strategy
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme3: Rail Transport Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.5 Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the transport sector Submit the National Rail Policy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the National Rail Policy Develop the National Rail Bill Submit the National Rail Bill to Cabinet Submit the National Rail Bill to Parliament and develop the National Rail Strategy Monitor implementation of the National Rail Strategy Develop draft Economic Regulations for the Rail sector Develop Migration Plan to migrate Interim Rail Economic Regulatory Capacity to STER Monitor implementation of Economic Regulations for the rail sector within the STER Develop the Branchline model for Private Sector Participation (PSP) Monitor and oversee the implementation of PSP Monitor and oversee the implementation of PSP 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Submit the draft National Railway Safety Regulator Amendment Bill to Cabinet Submit the draft National Railway Safety Regulator Amendment Bill to Parliament Develop draft regulations for the National Railway Regulator Amendment Act Monitor implementation of the National Railway Regulator Amendment Act Submit the National Railway Safety Strategy to Cabinet Develop implementation plan for priority interventions for rail safety Monitor implementation of the National Rail Safety Strategy
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme4: Road Transport Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.4 Ensure a sustainable transport infrastructure network Submit the White Paper on the Road Policy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the White Paper on the Roads Policy Monitor implementation of the White Paper on the Roads Policy Oversee and monitor the construction and maintenance of Provincial Roads in line with the budget Develop Draft Access Road Development Plan and conduct stakeholder consultations with identified rural municipalities Consolidate stakeholder inputs and submit the Draft Access Road Development Plan to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the Access Road Development Plan 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Submit Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Bill to Parliament Roll out implementation of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Act Monitor implementation of Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Act Monitor implementation of Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Amendment Act Submit RABS Bill to Cabinet Support Parliamentary process on RABS Assess the readiness for implementation of RABS Implementation of the RABS Scheme Submit Road Safety Strategy to Cabinet Monitoring the implementation of the Road Safety Strategy Review the implementation of the Road Safety Strategic interventions
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme4: Road Transport Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Develop Inception Report for the Review of Founding Legislations of Road Entities Facilitate the review process Implement findings and recommendations Development of proposed draft legislative amendments. Facilitate the inspection of active Vehicle Testing Centres as prescribed by the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Facilitate the inspection of active Vehicle Testing Centres as prescribed by the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Facilitate the inspection of active Vehicle Testing Centres as prescribed by the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Facilitate the inspection of active Driving Licence Testing Centers as prescribed by the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Facilitate the inspection of active Driving Licence Testing Centres as prescribed by the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996 Facilitate the inspection of active Dangerous Goods Operators as prescribed by the National Road Traffic Act, Act 93 of 1996
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme 5: Civil Aviation Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 1.5 Enhance performance, efficiency and reliability of the transport sector Submit the Airports Company and ATNS Amendment Bills to Cabinet Submit the Airports Company and ATNS Amendment Bills to Parliament and develop draft regulations Incorporate the regulations and Funding Model for ACSA and ATNS into the Approach Document Coordinate the Permission Application Process Submit National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP) Submit the National Airports Development Plan (NADP) to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the National Airports Development Plan (NADP) Review air services arrangements with 6 States Review air services arrangements with 6 States Review air services licensing framework and develop draft Amendment Bill Stakeholder consultations on the draft Amendment Bill Submit Amendment Bill to Cabinet Submit Amendment Bill to Parliament
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme 5: Civil Aviation Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Submit the Civil Aviation Amendment Bill to Cabinet and Parliament Submit the regulations to the Minister for approval Facilitate the proclamation of the Amendment Act by the President Monitor Implementation of the Civil Aviation Amendment Act and regulations Submit a recommendation on the preferred national service provider Appoint, negotiate, conclude and sign a Service Level Agreement with the preferred service provider Convene and conduct an inspection of the MEOSAR ground segment - 6.2 Minimise aviation noise Monitor implementation of the regulations Conduct research on the phasing out of the Chapter 3 Aircraft Develop proposal for the phasing out of the Chapter 3 Aircraft
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme 6 : Maritime Transport Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2.1 Regulate and enhance transport safety and security Submit the draft National Maritime Transport Policy to Cabinet (Including a chapter on the Cabotage Policy) Develop implementation plans for the approved National Maritime Transport Policy Monitor implementation of the National Maritime Transport Policy Develop the review report for the overhaul of the Merchant Shipping Act (1957) Develop the draft Merchant Shipping Bill (2016) Submit the draft Merchant Shipping Bill (2016) to Parliament Monitor implementation of the Merchant Shipping Act (2016) Submit the draft Inland Waterway Strategy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the Inland Waterway Strategy Evaluate and review the Inland Waterway Strategy Develop a Project Plan for the 2020 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event Submit a detailed Plan for the 2020 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event to Cabinet Preparatory work for the hosting of the 2020 IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event Host the IMO World Maritime Day Parallel Event Establish infrastructure support for Operation Phakisa Ocean Economy (Marine Transport and Manufacturing Delivery Unit) Implement and monitor operations of the Marine Transport and Manufacturing Delivery Unit Implement and monitor operations of the Marine Transport and Manufacturing Delivery Unit
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme 7 : Public Transport Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 3.1 Provide integrated rural transport infrastructure and services Submit the Rural Transport Strategy to Cabinet Monitor implementation of the Rural Transport Strategy Develop Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) plans in one (1) district municipality 4.1 Promote sustainable public transport Submit the Taxi Recapitalisation Review Report to Cabinet Monitor implementation of recommendations of the Taxi Recapitalisation Review Report Submit the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan to Cabinet Mobilise funding for the implementation of the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan Monitor implementation of the Integrated Public Transport Turnaround Plan Develop the Public Transport Safety Improvement Plan Monitor implementation of the Public Transport Safety Improvement Plan
Performance Targets Per Programme Programme 7 : Public Transport Strategic Objective Medium Term Targets 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 4.2 Improve public transport access and reliability Fund and monitor the planning and implementation of IPTNs in the following municipalities: A Re Yeng (Tshwane) Go George (George) Rea Vaya (Johannesburg) My CiTi (Cape Town Mbombela Mbombela Yarona (Rustenburg) Libhongo Lethu (Nelson Mandela Bay) Go Durban (eThekwini) Ekurhuleni Polokwane Mangaung Msunduzi 4.3 Regulate public transport Facilitate promulgation of the Land Transport Amendment Act Finalise regulations based on the Land Transport Amendment Act Monitor implementation of the Land Transport Amendment Act
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