A Closer Look at the Week This Week in ELA Lesson 16 Lesson 16 Spelling Lesson 16 Vocabulary 1. coarse 2. warm 3. soar 4. wore 5. swarm 6. form 7. story 8. warn 9. bore 10. sport 11. glory 12. force 13. course 14. before 15. fourth 16. explorer 17. forest 18. scoreboard 19. fourteen 20. seashore 1. charming 2. racket 3. tender 4. delighted 5. brittle 6. embraced 7. cunning 8. disguised 9. ingenious 10. outwit Practice these words by clicking here! *Challenge Words A Closer Look at the Week This Week’s Story: Lon Po Po Focus Skills: Lon Po Po is a Chinese rendition of Little Red Riding Hood. This week, students will explore several versions of the classic tale in order to practice the skill of comparing and contrasting different texts. Not only will students compare and contrast stories, but characters too. Writing Skills: This week, the students will practice adjectives, as well as prefixes and suffixes. The students will use adjectives to describe characters in stories, and they will learn the meaning behind several prefixes and suffixes such as un- and re-, –ful and –less. Homework Tips Don’t forget to continue working on those Study Island blue ribbons! They can be found on the 3E website. Click here to access this webpage. Thank you!