Living in 3D Week 2: Bill Hybels Content: Copyright © 2006 by Bill Hybels Slide Modifications: Copyright © 2018 –
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, Week 2: Living in 3D “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.” MATTHEW 5:13 Content: Copyright © 2006 by Bill Hybels Slide Modifications: Copyright © 2018 –
Session 2 Overview: Big Idea — Living in 3D The single greatest gift Christ-followers can give to the people around them is an introduction to the God who created them, who loves them, and who has a purpose for their lives. Nothing beats it — not monetary gain, not job opportunities, not recognition or accolades. This is what evangelism is — constantly watching for ways to give that gift to someone living far from God.
DVD: Video Opener – Don't forget, make any video observations in your participants guide, or handout. Come right back!
– Also in Participants Guide Page 23-25 or Handout. ICE-BREAKER – Also in Participants Guide Page 23-25 or Handout. Write the names of six of your current neighbours in the Blanks provided: Note: Their Name How many years they have lived there. Their occupations. Draw a cross next to the name If they are Christian. Circle names of people who have been in your home. Place a star in the circle for ones where you had a conversation in the past month.
DVD: Video Teaching – Don't forget, make any video observations in your participants guide, or handout. Come right back!
– Participants Guide Page 27 GROUP STRIDES, PART A – Participants Guide Page 27 Develop Friendships Often, the longer people walk with Christ, the fewer their interactions with people living far from God. They become "Cocooners" But for other Christians, the opposite is true: over time, they experience an increase in their love quotient for people outside the faith; “Connectors" How have you seen a ‘cocooning’ or ‘connecting’ pattern occur in your life? When you veer towards a ‘cocooning’ pattern, what are good ways to move towards ‘connecting’ again?
Negative religious experiences during adolescent years. Discover Stories 3. In what ways can you relate to various aspects of "Super" Dave’s story? Several of them are listed below to jog your memory: Negative religious experiences during adolescent years. Witnessed a close friend submitting their life to Christ. Significant loss - for Dave, it was the death of his father. Lengthy journey to faith in God. When you decide to connect with people outside the faith: why is it so important to understand their stories before trying to engage in spiritual discussions with them?
Discern Next Steps 5. Bill said that, "seemingly insignificant things can become divine, life-altering tools in the hands of compassionate Christ-followers." What role did the following, play in Dave's journey towards God? Books/tangible resources. Time. Recreational interests. 6. The heartfelt emotion expression played a pivotal role in helping Dave come to faith in Christ. How did it strike you when Bill said, "I'm not going to heaven with out you, Supe’"?
Week 2 - Video Summary Most Christ-followers drift into a ‘cocooning’ pattern rather than ‘connecting’ with people far from God. Jesus' dream is, that all of his followers become walk-across-the-room people who: Focus outwardly, Love radically, Plan how to tell people about Him. Living in 3-D is to: Decide to engage, Discover people's stories, Discern next steps in spiritual conversations.
– Participants Guide Page 31 and Handout. GROUP STRIDES, PART B – Participants Guide Page 31 and Handout. Think about one of your "Brians”. Think what stage of living in 3D do you think you're in with them right now? Put their name in the top blank, and check the box against the questions that corresponds to the stage of 3-D you're with them right now, Jot down a few thoughts in response to items follow-up question: We’re just establishing common ground, I’m just unearthing his/her life story, I’m helping this person find faith in God.
PRAYER POINTS Regardless of which stage of 3-D living you find yourself in, the relationships that already exist can serve as fertile ground for God to do some serious seed-sowing through you. Ask him for: Clarity as you assess which stage you're in, Wisdom as you seek to point people toward Him, guidance as you take action.
INDIVIDUAL STRIDES Complete the “Individual Strides” section, in the Participants Handbook Pages 32-35, at home.
Week 3: The Power of Story