Passenger Mobility Statistics 11 October 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Passenger Mobility Statistics 11 October 2018 Task Force on Passenger Mobility Statistics 11 October 2018 Item 2 of the agenda Actions since the last passenger mobility Task Force Eurostat Unit E3 - Transport

Structure of the presentation The Eurostat actions since the last TF meeting Eurostat Grants The Next Steps

Main actions since last TF meeting In the last TF meeting (2017) a number of Guidelines improvements on clarifications in definitions, the use examples, the link of the guidelines questionnaire and the indicators were discussed Guidelines were revised following the TF meeting of last year The 2016 version of the Guidelines was used in the 2016 and 2017 and 2017 grant proposal and were presented to the 2017 CGST

Project support Eurostat is supported by Sogeti/IFSTAR since the end of 2017 To provide methodological assistance to MSs implementing Eurostat guidelines in surveys based on Eurostat grants, answering methodological questions of MS To review and further develop the Guidelines on Passenger Mobility Statistics To prepare and support the work of the Task Force For the review the results of the grant agreements and compile comparative tables In 2019 the preparation of a synthetic report on passenger mobility is foreseen based of the results of the National projects

Grants 2015 3 countries applied and obtained Grants in 2015: Denmark, The Netherlands and Poland No new surveys were proposed; all three MSs exploited and post harmonised existing survey results and in some case also performed additional pilots The work in progress was presented in the 2016's TF meeting. The Netherlands and Poland provided final reports with the project results earlier this year, but Denmark did not manage to finish their project.

Grants 2016 The action consisted of three main tasks (Task 3 was not covered in 2015 Grants): To collect passenger mobility statistics provide the set of indicators listed in Eurostat Guidelines using prescribed methodology and definitions To draft a report/publication describing in detail the survey approach and methodology used the survey implementation process the results obtained 3. To produce road traffic statistics and methodology covering the indicators identified under the road traffic statistics project and where the traffic take place (pilot questionnaire)

Grants 2016 The co-finance rate was increased covering 95% of eligible cost, but given the high number of proposals and budget limitation lower co- finance rates were finally applied 11 Member States applied and received Grants in 2016: HR, SI, DK, GR, NL, LV, PL, PO, RO, SW, UK for a total of EUR 1.5 mio The results of the 2016 grants were provided in 2018 and will be discussed today Not all 2016 projects were on passenger mobility For the first time dedicated surveys were organised by applicant on Passenger Mobility

Grants 2017 The technical specifications were practically identical to those of 2016 covering both passenger mobility and road traffic The co-finance rate remained at 95% of eligible cost 5 Member States applied for a total of EUR 260 000 More interest for road traffic than passenger mobility in the 2017 call. The duration of the projects was increased from 16 months to 2 years

Grants 2018 The technical specifications were also identical to those of 2016 covering both passenger mobility and road traffic The co-finance rate remained at 95% of eligible cost 3 Member States applied for a total of about EUR 450 000 One MS applied for Task 3 (Road traffic) and two for Task 1 and 2 (Passenger Mobility). MS applied for passenger mobility related tasks in 2018 had also applied in previous years

Grant proposals evaluation Level of EU contribution The level of financial support to be provided for the action depends on the degree of implementation of Eurostat guidelines and the quality of the proposal Use of e-Grants system for Grant applications and the evaluation process Commission wide system used for all type of projects Workflow is new to the ESS Delays and uncertainties may be experienced on all sides in this year’s call

Next steps Budget is foreseen for launching a 2019 call for grants on Passenger Mobility and Road Traffic (EUR 500 000) The Task Force will discuss issues raised from the implementation of the guidelines and the available results received so far. The practical calculation of the indicators from the survey results is an issue of general interest Issues of possible adjustment to the guidelines or further reflection will be presented in this TF Eurostat and Sogeti/IFSTAR will introduce to the Guidelines the necessary adjustments in line with the discussions in this TF meeting. The TF will be consulted on the longer term strategy on this project

Thank you for your attention