? ? ? ? ? My school is … …a primary school …a secondary school …a university ? ?
? My school is … ? ? …small …enormous …big ? ?
? ? ? ? IN MY SCHOOL, THERE ARE about … 8 pupils 680 pupils
????? THE PUPILS ARE… from 3 to 8 years old. from 11 to 16 years old.
? ? ? ? My school is … in the North of France in the South of France in the West of France in the East of France ORTH ? ?
My school is a school … only for boys only for girls for boys and girls
In André Malraux School… the pupils wear uniforms the pupils don’t wear uniforms
? The headmaster is called: Mister Obama Mrs Barriquand Mr Le Moine Mrs Motillon
And now repeat: I MY SCHOOL !
And now repeat: I MY SCHOOL !
And now repeat: I MY SCHOOL !