Ancient India
Ancient India – Caste System As Aryan society became more complex, their society became divided into Varnas (social groups) -- These groups were largely organized by people’s occupations 1. Brahmins (priests) were seen as the highest varna 2. Kshatriyas - Rulers and Warriors 3. Vaisyas - Farmers, Craftspeople, and Traders Rules of interaction between these varnas became stricter, so each level became more complex. Ultimately, the system was called the Caste System: The division of Indian society into groups based on birth, wealth, or occupation 4. Sudras - Workers and Servants There is a FIFTH group – those that do not belong to any of these castes are called Dalits, or untouchables, because no one is to have any contact with them The caste system was formally abolished by the Indian Constitution in 1950, but still it shapes the lives in India. The caste system is more prominent in the rural areas than in the cities
Ancient India – Hinduism Hinduism forms out of a blending of the religion of the Aryans (Brahmanism) and religious ideas introduced by other cultures THE BASICS World’s third largest religion Polytheistic – Their three main gods are Brahma (the creator), Siva (the destroyer) and Vishnu (the preserver) Unlike other religions, Hinduism is a way of life, a Dharma, that is, the laws and duties one must perform in his/her lifetime Hindus believe everyone's ultimate goal is to reunite their soul with Brahman, the universal spirit They achieve this thru several lifetimes, made possible by Reincarnation, or the process of rebirth into a new physical form HINDUISM & THE CASTE SYSTEM The type of form a person inherits after reincarnation depends on his/her Karma, the effects that good/bad actions have on your soul BAD Karma = re-born into a lower Caste; GOOD Karma = higher Caste In time good Karma brings salvation, which is freedom from life’s worries and the cycle of rebirth – Moksha In a nutshell – Hinduism taught people to accept their place and helped to preserve the Caste System in India