Thursday 10.19.17
Today’s Agenda Guest Speaker: Lindsay, Public Relations Major, Central Michigan University Groups: Field Research Homework: Refer to homework slide.
Group Assignment Groups: Field Research – In groups, walk around campus and inquire about student, faculty and staff concerns, involvement and achievements on and off campus. Also, inquire about additional resources that you could be involved in to ease concerns, build on achievements and or get more involved. TAKE NOTES because all students will be required to report their findings on Eli and also bring those results to class to discuss next Tuesday, Oct. 24.
Homework Today, you spent time walking around the campus community inquiring about their concerns, their involvement and their accomplishments at MSU, as well as any resources that they may need to ease concerns or help assist with or to build upon objectives. For homework, Please write a short paragraph on Eli about your findings. Also, I would like each student to research more about the East Lansing/Lansing community outside of MSU. What are some of the greater community’s concerns? What are possible resources that could ease these concerns? What are some of their accomplishments? What possible resources could you create to build on these accomplishments? What organizations could possibly need additional help with resources to assist them in their objectives? Please write your paragraph on Eli about campus topics (Due: Fri. Oct. 20 by 11 pm.), and also bring at least 2 ideas with you to class on Tuesday, Oct. 24 about possible topics for the greater Lansing community. Final Draft of Project 2 due on Tuesday, Oct. 24