An Ocean Current Monitoring System for Coastal New Jersey Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observing Laboratory Josh Kohut Mike Crowley
So How does the System Work? Rutgers University Coastal Ocean Observing Laboratory Josh Kohut Mike Crowley
SeaSonde® HF Radar Sites at LEO-15 Depth Southern Site Brigantine, NJ 5 10 15 20 LEO-15 Nodes (m)
CODAR Total Vector Calculation Kilometers CODAR North 0 5 10 Little Egg Harbor CODAR Central Site Great Bay LEO-15 A T L A N T I C O C E A N CODAR South Atlantic City
Contributions Rapid Environmental Assessment
Hurricane Floyd as seen by the NOAA-12 on Sept. 15 6:30 PM EDT (22:30 GMT)
Contributions Rapid Environmental Assessment Search and Rescue
The Future of HF-Radar at LEO-15 Coast Bistatic System
The Future of HF-Radar at LEO-15
The Future of HF-Radar at LEO-15 Bistatic System Long Range CODAR System
New Jersey Clam & Fishing Boat Sinkings Beth Dee Bob Adriatic January, 1999 Adriatic January, 1999 22’ Open Boat August, 1999
The Future of HF-Radar at LEO-15 Bistatic System Long Range CODAR System NorthEast Ocean Observing System
NEOOS HF-Radar Backbone
Long Range Radial Field
NEOOS HF-Radar Backbone Existing Systems (6) Funded Systems (8)