Welcome To Our Services This Evening November 28, 2010 "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth" (Jesus of Nazareth from John 4:24) This evening's Scripture reading is... 1 Kings 21:1-16
Title "You shall not covet"
1. chamad - to delight in (anything) - Strong's Title Covet 1. chamad - to delight in (anything) - Strong's (Ps. 19:7-11, Ge. 2:9) 2. context determines use (Ge. 3:9, Ex. 20:17)
Concept of Covetousness Title Concept of Covetousness 1. The inordinate desire to possess that to which one is not entitled, or that which belongs to another (jewishencyclopedia.com) (Ex. 20:17, Jos. 7:19-21) 2. some think desire for wealth is covetousness (1 Ti. 6:9-10)
Honor your father and mother Group 1: 1. worship no other gods 2. do not commit idolatry 3. do not take my name in vain 4. remember & keep holy My Sabbath Matthew 15:17-20 Group 2: 6. do not murder 7. do not commit adultery 8. do not steal 9. do not bear false witness 10. do not covet what is your neighbors' Honor your father and mother
To Covet Is To Be Discontent Title To Covet Is To Be Discontent 1. The inordinate desire to possess that to which one is not entitled, or that which belongs to another (jewishencyclopedia.com) (1 Ti. 6:6-10, Ph. 4:11-12)