Process metallurgy Research unit
Process metallurgy Research unit Professorship since 1991 Jouko Härkki, 1991-2010 Timo Fabritius, 2010- Total 30 employees Approximately half of them in post doc –positions Scientific publications 25-35 articles annually (2015-18) 2-3 doctoral degrees annually (2015-18) Professor Timo Fabritius making adjustments on the gas flow rates to the Blast furnace simulator (BFS).
Education (Bachelor-level) Learning outcomes Part of general studies of process and environmental engineering Focus on fundamentals, terminology, chemical equilbria as well as solid state structures and properties Courses Introduction to process and environmental engineering, 5 ECTS Thermodynamic equilibria, 5 ECTS Solid inorganic materials, 5 ECTS Education (Bachelor-level) Lecturer Eetu-Pekka Heikkinen explains the concept of eutectic equilibrium in binary phase diagrams.
Education (Master-level) Learning outcomes Methodological skills required in Research & Development Experiments, analyses Phenomenon- and process-based modelling Applied in the production and treatment of inorganic materials Especially metals production (process metallurgy) High temperature processes Courses (mostly in Finnish) High temperature processes, 5 ECTS High temperature chemistry, 5 ECTS Exp. methods of high temperature research, 10 ECTS Thermodynamic and process modelling in metallurgy and mineral processing, 5 ECTS Current and future trends in metal production, 5 ECTS Students of metallurgy also study one supporting topic, e.g.: Automation, chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, industrial management, mineral processing, etc.
Research Research topics Focus areas Metals production Materials involved in metals production Raw materials, products, by-products, waste, construction materials, etc. Environmental issues of metals productions High temperature processes and treatments in general Focus areas Reductants and reduction metallurgy e.g. iron production and bioreducers Primary and secondary steelmaking metallurgy e.g. modelling of steelmaking and stainless steelmaking processes Circular economy and metallurgical processes e.g. slag and dust valorisation Advanced measurement and treatment technologies in metallurgy e.g. utilisation of optical and microwave techniques
Research Research methods Laboratory scale experiments High temperature behavior of oxidic and metallic materials as well as reductants Analyses of laboratory and industrial samples Chemical and mineralogical compositions Material structures Modelling Reaction modelling (CTD, kinetics) Computational fluid dynamics Phenomenon-based process modelling Research is heavily focused on the production of iron, steel and ferroalloys Close co-operation with e.g. SSAB Europe and Outokumpu Stainless
Process metallurgy research unit Aki Koskela Reduction metallurgy Bioreducers Anne Hietava Reduction metallurgy FeCr production Eetu-Pekka Heikkinen Education Reaction modelling Process metallurgy research unit Tuomas Alatarvas Reaction modelling Inclusions Riku Mattila Laboratory facilities Tommi Kokkonen Laboratory facilities Kaisa Heikkinen Webmaster Mikko Iljana Reduction metallurgy BF burden materials Ville-Valtteri Visuri Process modelling Reaction modelling Primary and secondary steelmaking processes Henri Pauna Advanced measurements Aleksi Laukka High temperature oxidation Petri Sulasalmi CFD- and process modelling Primary and secondary steelmaking processes Professori Timo Fabritius Head of the unit