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Presentation transcript:


Astrobiology: Stydy of origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the Universe Formation of planetary systems Early Earth environment From simple molecules to life Astro- biology Early life and life in extreme conditions Detection of life on other planets Historical, legal and philosophical issues

Astrobiology - an interdisciplinary and diverse field

Astrobiology - an interdisciplinary and diverse field Philosophical approach to the definition of life History of ideas on origin and evolution of life Ethical and societal questions in space missions Societal, political and economic impacts of a detection of life outside Earth

Necessity for a European Institute Interdisciplinarity requires concerted multi-method approach Change of global science landscape from subject to problem-based research Better understanding on how to approach astrobiology after decades of research Training of a new generation of scientists imperative Involvement of smaller research communities possible ( e.g. in less-represented EU Member States Efficient use of resources necessary Most EU countries lack personnel and financial resources to fully cover a large multidisciplinary field like astrobiology A European Institute provides the critical mass for such efforts

Timeliness of the EAI Big questions like «How did life emerge on Earth?» and «Are there other habitable planets and is there life on them» now open to scientific studies New Space missions and telescopes (ExoMars, ALMA) create large amount of data – has to be mined Europe facing increasing competition from established (USA) and emerging (India and China) space research nations Momentum of recent EU-appraised structures (COST Action «Origins» and Erasmus+ -funded «European astrobiology Campus») has to be kept ExoMars misssion ALMA telescope array

Uniqueness of the EAI Virtual institute involving several leading space research organisations and institutions Involvement of many disciplines both in science and humanities Ideal growing ground of new research communities Concerted European effort in a new and hot research topic Sustainable structure - less dependent on temporary grants

Added value of the EAI Build upon Europe's leading role in astrobiology by pooling resources Pan-European strategy on training outreach, education and dissemination Multidisciplinary training of a students and early scientists imperative – difficult for single institutions, possible for EAI Involvement of smaller research communities ( e.g. in less-represented EU Member States) enabled by EAI Roadmaps of future research directions must enjoy wide support by community - EAI ideal discussion forum Field work during the course «Impacts and the evolution of Life» Saaremaa, Estonia

Advantages for Participating Entities Reduced costs for participations in meetings and training events of the EAI Facilitated access to research infrastructures and field sites Cooperation in applications for funding for large-scale projects Collaboration in outreach, dissemination, training and industry liaisons Possibility to act as a strong voice and shape the European science landscape together with other eminent institutions Meeting for Early Career Astrobiologists (Tartu, 2017) IAU International Symposium on Astronomy and Astrobiology (co-organised by EAC)

Interim Board of the EAI John Brucato, INAF Maurizio Falanga, ISSI Wolf Geppert, Stockholm (Scientific Secretary) Muriel Gargaud, CNRS Thomas Henning, MPIA Ján Hrušak, Czech Academy Kalle Kirsimäe, Tartu Jesús Martinez-Frias, CSIC Emmanuelle Javaux, Liège Miguel Mas Hesse, CAB Nigel Mason, Kent Stephane Mazevet, CNRS Piero Messina, ESA Karen Olsson-Francis, OU Tilman Spohn, DLR, Ruth-Sophie Taubner, Vienna Michel Viso, CNES Nicolas Walter, ESF (Administrative Secretary) Frances Westall, CNRS