November 20, 2018 Open up canvas


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Presentation transcript:

November 20, 2018 Open up canvas November 20, 2018 Open up canvas. What did the rivers of Mesopotamia do they led to fertile crops?

Essential Standard 6.H.2.3  Explain how innovation and/or technology transformed civilizations, societies and regions over time.

Essential Question What technology was created to help the Egyptians use the benefits of the Nile River?

I can question. I can explain how Ancient Egypt used irrigation.

Give tutorial to students that have not done it.

Watch video on irrigation.

Why is irrigation important?

I am going to give you and your partner a piece of paper. Please draw an irrigation system of getting water from the Nile river to the fields. You may research this. It must be an Ancient Egyptian irrigation project.

Imagine you are a drop of water in a river and you are going through an irrigation ditch to a field. Draw your steps.

Have students come up and act like they are a drop of water.

Play kahoot to review for the test.

Let students present poster board.

Exit Ticket. What is irrigation and why is it important?