“Day A” February 1, 2018 8:01 - 9:01 Math 9:03 - 10:03 Science 8:01 - 9:01 Math 9:03 - 10:03 Science 10:05 - 11:05 Exploratory 11:07 -12:09 12:11-12:41 Social Studies LUNCH (3rd Lunch) 12:43 - 1:43 English 1:45 - 2:45
6b + 3 DO NOW: Take out your packet Write an expression that is equivalent to the expression below. 6b + 3
OBJECTIVE(S): I will be able to use variables to write and evaluate expressions involving MULTIPLCATION and DIVISION So that I can complete tables from real-world problems. I will show I know it when I can successfully complete a real world problem for my group project with at least 80% accuracy. 6.E.E.A.2 6.3.3.B.6
Language Objective By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use all 4 language domains of listening, speaking, reading and writing. They will read a real-life scenario, verbally communicate with their partners to discuss how to use variables to write and evaluate expressions and complete tables to solve real world problems. They will show they understand if they can properly use the academic vocabulary to communicate with their partners and successfully complete their group project with at least 80% accuracy. Academic Math Language Vocabulary: variable, expression, evaluate, mathematical operations, solution.
Open Response Practice Rough Draft
How do you feel about this lesson? topic.
You are going to be assigned a problem to work on per group (pgs Make sure to set up your table correctly, write the expression, answer and explain all parts. You will be graded on participation as well. Point Values Evaluation of team Table set up correctly 1 2 3 4 Self: _________________ Expression written Partner: _________________ Answer all parts of problem Explanation of answers Participation Total Points:
How do you feel about this lesson? topic.
Pages 97-98 example
Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners