Care Act The Hertfordshire Picture Sue Darker Operations Director Health and Community Services Care Act The Hertfordshire Picture
Prevention, information and market shaping Core entitlements to public care and support The Act sets out the responsibilities on local authorities to provide better and more comprehensive information and support about the types of services and the providers available in their local area. It requires authorities to identify all available resources, services and facilities so that we a re able to offer the widest range of options to the public. The act looks to create a more consistent way of establishing an individual’s eligibility to care and support. It also introduces the same rights for carers of people with care and support needs. Implications for HPFT as a delegated provider under S75 arrangements
Assessment and eligibility Personalisation and care planning It gives local authorities a duty to provide an assessment to anyone who appears to need care and support regardless of their financial circumstances. It must take into account their needs and what outcomes they want to achieve. It should look at the individuals own capabilities together with the support available to them from family and the local community. The assessment must involve the individual together with their carer or another nominated adult. The assessment must also take into account the needs of the family ‘Important for and important to’ The Act gives us the legal responsibility to provide individuals with a personalised care and support plan, or a support plan in the case of a carer. The plan must be worked out together with the person themselves and their carer or support person. Even if a person does not have any eligible needs they should be given support or signposted to the most appropriate information to help them prevent further needs developing. Implications for individual health and social care budgets??
New laws for carers Portability and continuity of care For the first time, this act gives the same rights to carers as those given to the people they care for. Local authorities will now have a duty to provide carers with their own assessment of support needs. This will look at the impact on the carer in providing this role, what they want to achieve in their own life and if they are able and willing to continue in their caring role. If agreeable the assessment can be carried out jointly with the person they are caring for. The act has set out guidelines for continuity of care for people wishing to move between local authorities areas within England. The government recognises that people are often reluctant or worried to move home despite wanting too, in case it disrupts their care arrangements. Guidelines are set out to help ensure there is a clear process for anyone wishing to move from one local authority to another to ensure that their support is not interrupted.
Cooperation of members SAPB Cooperation of members Strategic Plan & annual report Safeguarding Adult Review Pete has covered this and the mental capacity act and our new legal responsibilities around Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards work with people in both care and community settings.
Market oversight and provider failure Transition from children to adults The act sets out a practice to oversee the financial stability of the ‘most hard to replace’ care providers and gives new responsibilities to local authorities if care providers should fail. Local authorities will have clear temporary responsibility to ensure both residential care and care provided in a person’s home continues if a care provider fails. This is regardless of whom currently pays for the care And of course Transition arrangements as young people grow up and become adults; the act along with the children and families act will give young people and their carers a right to request an assessment before the child turns 18. Transition team SEND CAMHS etc.. We know that children and young people are often subject to multiple assessments, hence arrangements must be made to combine assessments to ensure this doesn’t happen.
care ratings Health and social The ratings of providers in both health and social care settings is a very important issue As you will be well aware A key lesson of the Francis Report was that the current system did not pick up on serious problems with quality of care quickly enough. It said we needed much better ways of checking whether people are being treated safely and with the kindness and compassion they deserve. A new ratings system is part of the Government’s response to this. A bit Like Ofsted’s reports on schools, it will allow people to see and compare how different providers, such as hospitals and care homes, are performing which can only be a good thing hence the Herts Care Concerns E mail I spoke about earlier. I am now going to hand you over to Charles to talk about the financial issues relating to the bill Thank you
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