Research on computational biomechanics 8/04/2019 Research on computational biomechanics Qinghua Qin Department of Engineering 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 8/04/2019 OUTLINE Analytical solutions for piezoelectric bone remodelling Tissue mechanics with FEA Understanding Human Joint Mechanics Through Advanced Computational Models Finite element 3D moving contact analysis Injury biomechanics Multi-field properties of biomaterials by FEA 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 2002-2006 : ARC Discovery-Project, on “Thermo-electro-chemo- mechanical properties of biological systems” (AU$686,825, Grant No. DP0209487) 2004-2006 : ARC Discovery-Project, on “Rheological and electrical properties of biological soft tissues” (AU$249,000, with Dr Z Liu and Dr. Y Yu, DP0451097) 2006-2008: ARC Discovery-Project, on “Theoretical and experimental studies on magnetoelectroelastic bone remodelling process” (AU$260,000, with Dr S Kalyanasundaram, DP0665941) 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 1. Analytical solutions for piezoelectric bone remodelling P 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering e is a change in the volume fraction of bone matrix material from its reference value 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Computational Modeling of Knee Mechanics 2. Tissue mechanics. Our research on tissue mechanics focuses on the use of the finite element method to examine the mechanics of soft and hard tissues. Study how the microstructure of material can affect material performance and how the external electric and mechanical loading can change their material microstructure. In particular, study how the multi-fields, i.e., thermal, electrical, chemical, magnetic, and mechanical fields can simultaneously affect the medical performance of biological structures, and how to use them to achieve active control in injury healing process. Computational Modeling of Knee Mechanics 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 3. Understanding Human Joint Mechanics Through Advanced Computational Models development of automated and adaptive three-dimensional (3-D) finite element analysis and parallel solution strategies to describe nonlinear moving contact problems characteristic of the biomechanics of joints in the human musculoskeletal system. 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 4. Finite element 3D moving contact analysis of biphasic problems utilizing nonlinear hyperelastic finite deformation laws for tissue and non-Newtonian laws for the fluids; 5. Injury biomechanics, we will study mechanisms which may cause injury, study how we can use external mechanical loading, electric loading, or magnetic wave to help injury healing process. Study how damaging electric and mechanical loading can affect bone remodeling process, affect soft tissue in human body, causing injury. We are particularly interested in bone injury and injury of musculoskeletal system from movement and in workplace or sports. 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering 6. Multi-field properties of biomaterials by FEA The existence of piezoelectricity in bone makes it worthwhile to try if application of electric stimuli or magnetic stimuli can enhance the formation of bone or soft tissue, muscle. It is found some bone exhibits small but definite piezoelectric property. How the electric stimuli can affect bone growth and bone recovery. How we can use this mechanism in medical healing process. Approach:The focus is to develop a finite element model of bone remodeling process. The constitutive law including piezoelectric effect needs to be incorporated in the well-established finite element software system (ABAQUS) and validated with existing analytical solutions. The state-of-art of the FE software systems used in this project are based in Department of Engineering(HYPERWORKS) and supercomputing facility at ANU(ABAQUS) and the student will be provided access to both the systems. 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering
Department of Engineering Materials Research Group: 1. Polymer Science: microstructure, amorphous feature 2. Smart materials and composites: A smart structure is a structure that can sense its environment and take corrective action when required without any external instruction. 3. Biomaterials and biomechanics: bone remodelling, injury biomechanics 4. Nanomaterials and nanotechnology. 8/04/2019 Department of Engineering