Time to be a Badger! Tardy Talks Our Students are ALWAYS on TIME!
Did you know… There is a direct connection between truancy and… Low test scores Dropout/graduation rates Future unemployment Future income
Did you know… 1st Conviction $100 fine 2nd Conviction $250 fine Excessive truancy can lead to absenteeism and absenteeism has major consequences… Consequence for Parents… Consequence for Students… 1st Conviction $100 fine 2nd Conviction $250 fine 3rd Conviction $500 fine Parents attend classes and counseling Failure to abide by court order results in additional fines (up to $1,000) and charges For severe cases $2,5000 fines and up to one year in jail Each conviction is a fine of $50 Court order to attend school and counseling program Community service for 20-40 hours Suspension, revocation or delay of the issuance of your driver’s license for up to a year Probation for up to 6 months For severe cases a $1,000 fine and Juvenile Hall
Time to be a Badger Tardy Plan The Time to be a Badger Initiative requires all students to be in class on time and ready to learn. The music will sound at the warning bell, approximately two minutes before the period bell rings. The music will serve two purposes (1) as a reminder that students are responsible for being in class and in their seats before the tardy bell rings and (2) a tardy sweep is occurring. Administration plans to begin Tardy Sweeps on Monday, December 10 - Friday, December 21 and (when we return from the Holiday Break), Monday, January 14 – Friday, January 18. During this three week period, the tardy music will play each period. Indicating, that we are having a tardy sweep. After, January 18th, the tardy music will decrease to random periods. When there is no school-wide tardy sweep, students are still expected to be in class on time, if students are late, teachers will issue class consequences for violation of the Tardy Policy.
What happens during a Tardy Sweep? After the music ends, if students are not in their classes, Campus Officers and Administrators will direct students to the Attendance Window. Once there, the student’s tardy will be recorded and the student will be issued a pass to class. Please note: Teachers do not let students into your class without a pass. The Attendance Clerk will ensure that the proper attendance reports are run each day so that Administrators can work to provide the proper interventions for the infraction that the student is on. The purpose: To intervene and shape students behavior so that our students are on time for their classes each day.
A Closer Look: Admin Interventions and Rewards
Who are the key players? The key players in : Time to be a Badger Tardy Initiative are: Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Classified staff, Campus Officers, Students and Parents.
Teachers will… be standing at their doors during passing periods, so that the door can be closed right after the music ends give students passes when leaving the classroom, so students are not mistaken as late and placed in the tardy sweep line take attendance in a timely manner, so if YOU ARE not in class the assumption will be that you’re in the tardy line to get a pass. YOU will not be permitted into the classroom without a pass. implement the 10/10 rule (if not yet in place) keep track of period tardies when there is no school- wide tardy sweeps and ensure the necessary consequence and/or rewards (if applicable)
Parents will… Ensure students are on time for school each day and serve tardy consequences if need be. Students will… Be in their seats and ready to learn before the tardy bell rings.
The Bottom Line…