by Dave Waltham, Noah Jaffey, Stuart MacLean, and Valentina Zampetti Stratigraphic modelling of turbidite prospects to reduce exploration risk by Dave Waltham, Noah Jaffey, Stuart MacLean, and Valentina Zampetti Petroleum Geoscience Volume 14(3):273-280 August 1, 2008 2008 EAGE/Geological Society of London
Reconstructed palaeo-seafloor used for modelling turbidity currents. Reconstructed palaeo-seafloor used for modelling turbidity currents. Large arrows indicate the flow-entry locations for the two flows modelled in this paper. Note the narrow channel used by the south-entry flow. Dave Waltham et al. Petroleum Geoscience 2008;14:273-280 2008 EAGE/Geological Society of London
Example flow 800 seconds after entry into the modelled area. Example flow 800 seconds after entry into the modelled area. Note relatively thick flow along channel but that a thin overbank flow is also spreading out from the entry point. Dave Waltham et al. Petroleum Geoscience 2008;14:273-280 2008 EAGE/Geological Society of London
The upper curve shows an example inversion run in which the sorting index was initially allowed to vary between 0.5 and 0.9 but with this range gradually decreasing. The upper curve shows an example inversion run in which the sorting index was initially allowed to vary between 0.5 and 0.9 but with this range gradually decreasing. The lower curve shows the evolution of the root mean square error (rmse; as a result of progressively modifying all parameters, not just the sorting index). Note that there are occasional good solutions (below dotted line at 0.05) throughout the inversion but that the algorithm converges onto excellent solutions (rmse≪0.01) towards the end. Dave Waltham et al. Petroleum Geoscience 2008;14:273-280 2008 EAGE/Geological Society of London
Modelled coarse-fraction for the best-fit run with the north-entry point. Modelled coarse-fraction for the best-fit run with the north-entry point. Circles show the well NTG values using the same colour code as used for the model coarse-fraction. Dave Waltham et al. Petroleum Geoscience 2008;14:273-280 2008 EAGE/Geological Society of London
Modelled coarse-fraction for a run with a south-entry point. Modelled coarse-fraction for a run with a south-entry point. Circles show the well NTG values using the same colour code as used for the model coarse-fraction. Dave Waltham et al. Petroleum Geoscience 2008;14:273-280 2008 EAGE/Geological Society of London