Being and matter as the philosophical categories Lecture 5 Being and matter as the philosophical categories
Concept “being” originates from the ancient Greek verb “on” (to be) and is the central concept of ontology (field of philosophy) ONTOLOGY is the philosophical study of the nature of being
“Being” is the word used for conceptualizing both subjective and objective aspects of reality, including those fundamental to the self-related to and somewhat interchangeable with terms like “existence” and “living” Being covers both material and spiritual, it is the mind's concept of the self as a whole entity —including both mind and body Being could be understood as anything that exist, which is opposed to nonexistence
Main categories of being: 1) physical objects 2) mind 3) properties (attributes) of anything 4) relations 5) space and time 6) events etc.
Being has 4 forms: Being of nature Being of human being Being of spirituality Being of society
Matter is a basic category of philosophy and its main question The word “matter” is derived from the Latin word “māteria”, meaning “wood” in the sense “material”, as distinct from “mind” or “form”
Matter is a general term for the substance of which all physical objects consist Matter is objective reality having capacity for new transformation. There is no time or place where this capacity would be lost
Every thing in the world is in continual motion, changing its form, being transformed Motion is essential attribute of matter
The forms of motion of matter: mechanical physical chemical biological social
All motion assumes a change of position in space, carried out in time Space is a category for explaining relation between bodies which are co-existed Its properties are: 1) objective character 2) link with time 3) three dimensions 4) capacity to be converted 5) structuredness
TIME is a category for explaining relations between bodies and events which are carried out Its properties are: 1) objective character 2) link with space 3) one dimension 4) sequental replacement of one state to another
Problem of Consciousness in philosophy Consciousness - is a term that refers to the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts. It has been defined as: subjectivity, awareness, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood and the executive control system of the mind.
What is reflection of consciousness? Reflection is one of the attribute of Consciousness. Reflection is a reaction of object on outward influence; it has information about that influence.
The connection of Consciousness with matter: Gnoseological points. (Consciousness is reflection of objective reality). Psychophysiological points. (Consciousness is a product of activity of human being’s brain) Philogenetical points. (Consciousness is appeared as a result of development psychics animals in the process of biological evolution) Ontogenetical points. (Consciousness of man is formed due to his/her social environment) Sociocultural points. (Consciousness is a social phenomenon, the product of historical development of society and culture) Functional points. (Consciousness finds the objective expression – in talk, actions, processes of human being activity
Function of Consciousness: of cognition (intellectual) of orientation (emotional) of building of aim (motivation) of management (will consists the freedom and responsibility)