Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Have out: Pencil/Pen Demonstration Speech Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Have out: Pencil/Pen
SPEECH NEWS AND NOTES We just finished our silent movies, honing in on the importance of nonverbal communication. Now, we’re going to look at a brief presentation on the ‘nuts and bolts’ of giving a demonstration speech. Afterwards, you’ll have time to pick your topic and begin putting together your materials.
The Ideal Topic depends on: What you are interested in. Who the speech is for. The setting of the speech. The time you’ve got to give the speech. The guidelines for the assessment.
What are you interested in? Your choice of demonstrative speech topic needs to be something you are genuinely interested in and know about. Without enthusiasm or knowledge it's hard to inspire others to want to know more about a subject.
Who is the speech for? You need to consider your audience before making your final choice. What demonstration speech topics would interest them? What would teach them something new? What would be of value and appropriate for them to know?
The Setting of the Speech Where is the speech to be given? In a classroom? In a public hall? In a living room? In the open air? It’s going to be in the classroom.
Your Allotted Time There is no point in choosing something complex to show and teach if you have very limited time. What you select needs to fit easily into the allotted space.
The Guidelines You may find there are restrictions on using varying forms of visual aids: video or power-point for example. Check before you decide.
Websites to Start With https://www.write-out- topics.html ation-speech-topics.html ommunications.cfm?subpage=2393
Deets: Demonstration Speech Time of Creation: No less than 2 minutes Objectives covered: Demonstrate a skill or process that is valuable to you and one in which you are interested. Be able to physically demonstrate the skill/process in front of class live. Uniqueness is preferred, but if you do something that is generic, you need to explain how your process is special. You still are entertaining the class, so be sure it is something that would be appealing to your audience group. The skill must be school appropriate.