The primary topic introduced in the character of Julia and in her relationship with Winston is that of love. Her note is the first that communicates human emotion aside from Winston’s writing in his diary. Consider this as you answer the following questions: Why, do you think, Julia (whose name we don’t even know at that point) writes “I love you” to Winston? (Why not write a note like “I think you’re cute and would like to meet up on the DL”?) Why does Orwell decide these to be the first words from Julia to Winston and nothing else? After Julia writes this, Winston reciprocates the feeling during their first encounter by saying “Listen. The more men you’ve had, the more I love you. Do you understand that?” Do you think it’s possible that these two actually love each other? Why/why not? What definition of love do you believe Winston and Julia are operating by? What drives their “love”? Warm-up
Impecunious (adj.) = having little or no money Im - not Pecunia – money Ious – full of The impecunious man had to depend on the shelter for food and a place to sleep. Impecunious
(adj.) – not suitable to the occasion or circumstance; having or showing no skill In – not Ept – capable, able Inept in handling the hostage crisis, he was quickly replaced by someone more qulaified. Inept
(adj.) = refusing to moderate an especially extreme position; refusing to agree or compromise; unwilling to change one’s views In - not Trans – across Ag – drive Ent – full of Some people are intransigent in their values but very flexible on other issues. Intransigent
(adj.; v.; n.) = clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; to show or demonstrate plainly; a list of passengers manu - hand Festus – made, done One manifest strength of the college is the cultural and social diversity of its students. The truth was made manifest after long being hidden. Manifest
(n.)= a statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it; an inference or conclusion that does not follow from premise or evidence Non - not Sequ - follow The prosecutor focused the jury’s attention on the defendant’s non sequitur. Non sequitur
(n.) – a general rule or principle intended to control behavior or thought Pre – before Cept – take, seize Do you agree with the idea that “children learn more by example than by precept”? Precept
(adj.) – lax or careless in matters requiring attention; careless of duty Re – back, again Miss – send I am embarrassed that I have been remiss in writing thank you notes for the gifts I received. Remiss
(adj.) – able to feel or perceive things; having sense perception Sent – feel Ent – full of Some people believe that all animals are as sentient as humans. Sentient
(v.) – to speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner Vilis – worthless Fy - make The purpose of the negative campaign ads on TV was to vilify his opponents before millions of voters. Vilify
(adj.) – speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical language Verb – word Age – action The verbiage of her writing made understanding her ideas very difficult. Verbiage