Comparing Civil War Resources North vs. South
Fill out number on ‘Comparing Civil War Resources’ Notes page. Be ready to defend your answer! When the war began, what was the reason for fighting (Hint: Think TISSUE). Union: ________________________________________________________ Confederacy:___________________________________________________
Think about it: What do you need to successfully fight and win a war?
Resources Resources North South Total Population 22,000,000 9,000,000 Fill in your graphic organizer! Use a highlighter to circle the side that has the advantage in each resource. Resources North South Total Population 22,000,000 9,000,000 31,000,000 Factories 110,000 18,000 128,000 Railroad Track 22,000 mi 9,000 mi 31,000 mi Bank Deposits $207,000,000 $47,000,000 $254,000,000 Horses 4,000,000 2,000,000 6,000,000
Think about it:. What predications can you Think about it: What predications can you make about the length of the war based on this knowledge?
Population 11 States: 9 million people including 3.5 million slaves 23 States: 22 million people Fill in your graphic organizer! Use a highlighter to circle the side that has the advantage in population.
Armies Read the section on ‘Armies’ with your partner. Highlight the number of soldiers on each side. Did African Americans fight on both sides? How did Lincoln feel about African American Soldiers?
Navies No real navy. 671 ships in 1864 42 ships in 1861 Fill in your graphic organizer! Use a highlighter to circle the side that has the advantage in Navy. Why do you think the North grew their navy during the war?
Advantages vs. Disadvantages
Write about it: Based on the facts, who do predict will win the war Write about it: Based on the facts, who do predict will win the war. Include text evidence to defend your choice. On the back of your ‘Comparing Civil War Resources’ page write at least four sentences to defend your point-of-view Union-North Confederacy-South KEY WORDS Industry Population Transportation Railroad Money Tariffs Leadership Skilled military Inflation Home turf Motivation to fight Cotton Sentence starter: I predict that _____________ will win the civil war. They had the advantage of ___________ and _________.