Constitution #6 Main Ideas of the Const. “If all men were angels, no government would be necessary.” - James Madison Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.
Separation of Powers Each branch has its own separate job Only the legislative branch can make a law Divides power Avoids tyranny
Checks & Balances Each branch can “check” or oversee the power of another Congress writes a law, president can veto (reject), Cong can override (overturn) veto w/ 2/3 vote
Judicial Review Courts determine constitutionality of a law If Cong & Pres pass a law, courts can overturn if it violates the Const Marbury v. Madison
Limited Government Power of gov is limited Can’t take away our basic rights
Popular Sovereignty People hold the ultimate power Vote
Federalism Power is divided b/w national (federal) gov & state gov Only nation can declare war States have power over schools
True / False The government is too powerful. The president is too powerful. The gov should protect our basic civil liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. States should be able to make some of their own laws based on what the voters want in that state.
Ratifying the Constitution Federalists Support Const Wrote Federalist Papers to convince states to ratify Anti-Federalists Opposed Const
Their Arguments 3 Branches of gov - divide power Checks and balances ensure there are ways to stop abuse of power President could become a king / tyrant Congress should have all national power
More Arguments National gov needs to be stronger to ensure strong nation States / local gov should have power b/c then citizens can oversee gov
Final Argument Rights must be listed – wanted a Bill of Rights to include freedom of speech, religion, etc. Rights do not need to be listed
To ratify the Const The Federalists promise to add the Bill of Rights, first 10 amendments, to the Const after ratification
What do the segments of the snake represent What do the segments of the snake represent? What is the message of this cartoon?