The Development of the All Wales Traumatic Stress Quality Improvement Initiative Clare Crole-Rees variable Disparities in workforce skills, funding and service provision have led to It provides: Expert assessments and evidence-based treatments for PTSD and CPTSD Training, consultation and supervision locally A 2nd Opinion service for out of area referrals
The background Cardiff TSS was the only specialist service in Wales The new Initiative takes a whole system, consistent approach PTSD and CPTSD are under-detected Inequity of provison across Wales Cardiff TSS is the only specialist non-veteran service in Wales Welsh Government invited a Proposal for an AWTSQII Initiative
Key Principles Equitable access Network of local services Lean, person-centred pathways National clinical governance National minimum data-set National Hub Standard functions and outcomes Co-produced
What have we learnt? Variability in access to Interventions that are Evidence-based Matched to person’s needs Examples of effective practice Variability in access to evidence-based interventions t Lack of expertise and capacity within Primary Care Provision of matched-care is variable Ineffective pathways through Primary and Secondary Care Services
Integrated Clinical Pathway
Functions of the Hub HUB Training Consultation / 2nd Opinion National Dataset Stakeholder involvement Research and Development Intervention Standards Standardised Assessments Website and communication Consultation / 2nd Opinion Balance between measurable outcomes and development of processes that support capacity bulidling Decision making inclusiveness and effectiveness Soliciticing and sustaining participation
The work so far… Steering Group involving key stakeholders Initial process mapping Website under development Stabilisation training materials
Next steps…. Liaison with service leads National standards agreed National Minimum Data Set Training resources and processes Specialist work streams for priority and vulnerable groups
Thank you for listening! Any questions?