Wikis Can only have 100 users, unlimited pages in the free version
Wick-ee “quick” Collection of Web pages viewed and edited by anyone with access to the Internet. 1. According to Wikipedia it is pronounced Wick-ee or Wee-kee 2. Hawaiian word for “quick” 3. A wiki is two things: a collection of Web pages that can be viewed and edited by anyone with access to the Internet and also the actual software that allows for the operation of this type of Web site. Software that allows for the operation of this type of Web site.
The first wiki, created by Ward Cunningham in 1994-95, still runs today: One popular (and controversial) wiki: hint: try searching the term “wiki” in Wikipedia.
One popular (and controversial) wiki – wikipedia hint: try searching the term “wiki” in The content on Wikipedia can be false. People can easily alter the content. Some Wikipedians alter the text just for the fun
What is Needed to Make a Wiki Computer, internet, web browser, interested students
Why a Wiki? Wikis allow multiple authors to collaborate on a document. Open source software is available for wiki setup. The wiki interface is user-friendly. Introducing students to a wiki segues into a larger discussion on evaluating sources.
Educational Advantages of Wikis Supplements the learning process Extends the curriculum Motivates students Collaborative work for kids Can be completed outside the school Supports life-long learning
Wikis in the Classroom Study guides Homework Question and answers Collaborative research Book reviews Vocabulary study Writing responses
The wiki belongs to everyone and there is no ownership of pages. However, changes to the wiki are tracked and users can see who made a particular edit. If someone disagrees with an entry, they can make a change and enter the reason why on a discussion page.
Why Wikis are Wonderful! A wiki builds and grows from a single page into a collection of pages connected by hyperlinks created and edited by a wiki “community”. Drawbacks: Because it is open- need to trust. Rely on collective group to fix errors Ownership of content Rely on subject headings for organization Open to vandals and spam; need to monitor pages
What is not a Wiki? Blogs Forums or Bulletin Boards Personal publishing device for a single author or multiple authors; no editing Forums or Bulletin Boards Support discussions among multiple people about a particular topic or “thread”
Example At a teacher’s request from someone in your school… devise a wiki to allow two classes of 20 students to create a shared list of resources on ……!
PB Works Safe, secure, district approved Permission levels Engagement can be outside the classroom Free Education specific