Text Title Your Name
Text Information Author’s name When written BRIEF bio of author Interesting circumstances of when/how/why text was created
PART 1: CHARACTER LIST List characters Give BRIEF descriptions of each Don’t read off of the synopsis
PART 2: PLOT SUMMARY Pick you the main points from the text Again, be BRIEF and do not read off of the synopsis
PART 3: MAIN CHARACTER’S ARC Summarize the main character’s progression Discuss emotional, moral, physical, etc., changes Don’t read off of Synopsis
PART 4: THE MAJOR RELATIONSHIP(S) If there is more than one MAJOR relationship, give a brief summary of each. Summarize the progression of the relationship Make sure to explain how this relationship supports the story’s theme or the author’s purpose
PART 5: THEMES, SYMBOLS Give a brief summary of the major themes and symbols found in the text Define any new or unusual words
PART 6: LITERARY DEVICES Brief summary of each device used Define any new devices that we have not previously covered in class Don’t read off of your Synopsis
Student choice This slide is required You may add pertinent information about the text that you didn’t cover already INTERESTING information about the author Make sure that whatever you put on this slide is school-appropriate