There is a Time for Every Season Playing and Practice Seasons – Division II
Overview General Information. General Information. Definition of countable athletically related activities. Definition of countable athletically related activities. Declaration of the Playing Season. Declaration of the Playing Season. In-Season Hour Limitations and Permissible Activities. In-Season Hour Limitations and Permissible Activities. In-season daily and weekly hour limitations. In-season daily and weekly hour limitations. Preseason and academic year vacation period hour limitations. Preseason and academic year vacation period hour limitations. Missed class time. Missed class time. Out-of-Season Hour Limitations and Permissible Activities. Out-of-Season Hour Limitations and Permissible Activities. Out-of-season daily and weekly hour limitations. Out-of-season daily and weekly hour limitations. Academic year vacation period hour limitations. Academic year vacation period hour limitations. Definition of Voluntary. Definition of Voluntary. Safety Exception. Safety Exception. New Legislation. New Legislation. Monitoring Strategies. Monitoring Strategies.
General Principle for Playing and Practice Season Regulations NCAA Constitution 2.14 The time required of student-athletes for participation in intercollegiate athletics shall be regulated to minimize interference with their opportunities for acquiring a quality education in a manner consistent with that afforded to the general student body.
Definition of Countable Athletically Related Activities – NCAA Bylaw Any required activity with an athletics purpose involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by, one or more of an institution's coaching staff (including strength and conditioning coaches). Any required activity with an athletics purpose involving student-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by, one or more of an institution's coaching staff (including strength and conditioning coaches). Administrative meetings, activities incidental to participation (e.g., taping, rehabilitation) and voluntary activities shall be excluded from the weekly and daily time limitations. Administrative meetings, activities incidental to participation (e.g., taping, rehabilitation) and voluntary activities shall be excluded from the weekly and daily time limitations. Educational materials available on the NCAA Web site (NCAA Division II Governance – Committees). Educational materials available on the NCAA Web site (NCAA Division II Governance – Committees).
Declaration of the Playing Season The playing season refers to the period of time between the team's first officially recognized practice session and the last practice session or competition, whichever occurs later. The playing season refers to the period of time between the team's first officially recognized practice session and the last practice session or competition, whichever occurs later. The playing season for a specific sport is the only time in which official practice and competition activities may occur. The playing season for a specific sport is the only time in which official practice and competition activities may occur.
Declaration of the Playing Season For all sports other than football and basketball, each member institution may divide the playing season into not more than two distinct segments: championship and nonchampionship. For all sports other than football and basketball, each member institution may divide the playing season into not more than two distinct segments: championship and nonchampionship. An institution may not declare the summer vacation period as its nonchampionship segment. An institution may not declare the summer vacation period as its nonchampionship segment.
Declaration of the Playing Season Declaration of the institution's playing season in each sport shall be on file in writing in the department of athletics prior to the beginning of the institution's playing season for that sport. Declaration of the institution's playing season in each sport shall be on file in writing in the department of athletics prior to the beginning of the institution's playing season for that sport. Changes in declaration for a particular sport are permissible and also shall be filed in writing. Changes in declaration for a particular sport are permissible and also shall be filed in writing.
Declaration of the Playing Season A "week" is defined as any seven consecutive days (determined at the institution's discretion). A "week" is defined as any seven consecutive days (determined at the institution's discretion). Once the institution determines the seven-day period that shall constitute its week, it shall not change that designation for the remainder of the segment. Once the institution determines the seven-day period that shall constitute its week, it shall not change that designation for the remainder of the segment. A day is defined as a calendar day (i.e., 12:01 a.m. to midnight). A day is defined as a calendar day (i.e., 12:01 a.m. to midnight).
Review of Daily and Weekly Hour Limitations During the Declared Playing Season (In-Season)
In-Season Hour Limitations Maximum of 20 hours per week. Maximum of 20 hours per week. Maximum of four hours per day. Maximum of four hours per day. Golf practice rounds. Golf practice rounds. A practice round of golf may exceed the four hours per day limitation, but the weekly limit of 20 hours shall remain in effect. A practice round of golf may exceed the four hours per day limitation, but the weekly limit of 20 hours shall remain in effect. A practice round played on the day prior to the start of a collegiate golf tournament at the tournament site shall count as three hours, regardless of the actual duration of the round. A practice round played on the day prior to the start of a collegiate golf tournament at the tournament site shall count as three hours, regardless of the actual duration of the round. Multi-sport student-athletes. Multi-sport student-athletes. The total of all sports may not exceed 20 hours per week and four hours per day. The total of all sports may not exceed 20 hours per week and four hours per day.
In-Season Hour Limitations Day of Competition – All competition and any associated athletically related activities shall count as three hours. Day of Competition – All competition and any associated athletically related activities shall count as three hours. Exempted Scrimmages [Bylaw (d)] – count as the actual duration of the activity, but may not exceed four hours per day. Exempted Scrimmages [Bylaw (d)] – count as the actual duration of the activity, but may not exceed four hours per day. Activities associated with participation in an exempted scrimmage (e.g., travel, warm-up, breaks between contests, etc.) shall not count against the time limitation on such scrimmages. Activities associated with participation in an exempted scrimmage (e.g., travel, warm-up, breaks between contests, etc.) shall not count against the time limitation on such scrimmages. After the Competition – No practice may occur at any time after the competition (including vacation periods) until the next day. After the Competition – No practice may occur at any time after the competition (including vacation periods) until the next day. Exceptions: Between contests, rounds or events during a multi-day or multi-event competition (e.g., doubleheaders in softball or baseball, rounds of golf in a multi-day tournament). Exceptions: Between contests, rounds or events during a multi-day or multi-event competition (e.g., doubleheaders in softball or baseball, rounds of golf in a multi-day tournament).
In-Season Hour Limitations All countable athletically related activities are prohibited during one calendar day per week. All countable athletically related activities are prohibited during one calendar day per week. Exceptions: Exceptions: preseason practice and vacation periods. preseason practice and vacation periods. participation in one conference and postseason championship. participation in one conference and postseason championship. participation in postseason certified bowl games or National Invitational Tournaments. participation in postseason certified bowl games or National Invitational Tournaments. participation in NCAA championships. participation in NCAA championships.
In-Season Hour Limitations Travel Day – May count as a day off provided no countable athletically related activities occur. Travel Day – May count as a day off provided no countable athletically related activities occur. Cancelled Competition – If cancelled prior to the start or prior to being considered a completed event, that day may count as a day off provided no further countable athletically related activities occur. Cancelled Competition – If cancelled prior to the start or prior to being considered a completed event, that day may count as a day off provided no further countable athletically related activities occur.
Preseason and In-Season Vacation Periods Daily and weekly hour limitations do not apply to countable athletically related activities that occur: Daily and weekly hour limitations do not apply to countable athletically related activities that occur: during preseason practice prior to the first day of classes or the first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier. during preseason practice prior to the first day of classes or the first scheduled contest, whichever is earlier. during the academic year when vacation periods occur during the declared playing season. during the academic year when vacation periods occur during the declared playing season. Daily and weekly hour limitations do apply during final exam periods. Daily and weekly hour limitations do apply during final exam periods.
Missed Class Time Missed Class Time Student-athletes may not miss class to attend practice. Student-athletes may not miss class to attend practice. Exceptions: Exceptions: practice in conjunction with an away-from-home contest. practice in conjunction with an away-from-home contest. Competition in Nonchampionship Segment. Competition in Nonchampionship Segment. In team sports, no class time shall be missed for competition, including activities associated with such competition (e.g., travel and other pregame or postgame activities). In team sports, no class time shall be missed for competition, including activities associated with such competition (e.g., travel and other pregame or postgame activities).
Review of Daily and Weekly Hour Limitations During the Academic Year and Outside of the Declared Playing Season (Out-of-Season)
Out-of-Season Hour Limitations Countable athletically related activities may occur not more than eight hours per week. Countable athletically related activities may occur not more than eight hours per week. All countable athletically related activities are prohibited during two calendar days per week. All countable athletically related activities are prohibited during two calendar days per week.
In sports other than football, only individual skill instruction (required or voluntary) and required weight-training or conditioning activities are permitted. In sports other than football, only individual skill instruction (required or voluntary) and required weight-training or conditioning activities are permitted. A maximum of eight hours per week, of which not more than two hours per week may be spent on individual skill workouts. A maximum of eight hours per week, of which not more than two hours per week may be spent on individual skill workouts. A maximum of four student-athletes from the same team may be involved in skill related instruction with their coach(es) at any one time in any facility. A maximum of four student-athletes from the same team may be involved in skill related instruction with their coach(es) at any one time in any facility. Out-of-Season Hour Limitations
Football Football Out-of-season activities are limited to required weight training, conditioning and review of game film. Out-of-season activities are limited to required weight training, conditioning and review of game film. Participation is limited to eight hours per week, with not more than two hours spent on film review. Participation is limited to eight hours per week, with not more than two hours spent on film review.
Football – Spring Practice Treated as in season for counting purposes. 29 consecutive calendar days. 15 designated practice days and the spring game. Days with only conditioning or film review do not count as one of 15 designated days.
Out-of-Season Hour Limitations Conditioning drills: Conditioning drills: May simulate game activities; May simulate game activities; May not set up offensive or defensive alignments; May not set up offensive or defensive alignments; May not use equipment related to the sport. May not use equipment related to the sport. Ice hockey: Use of skates is permitted. Ice hockey: Use of skates is permitted. Effective August 1, 2006: Swimming and diving: In- pool conditioning activities and the use of swim-specific equipment (e.g., starting blocks, kickboards, pull buoys) is permitted. Effective August 1, 2006: Swimming and diving: In- pool conditioning activities and the use of swim-specific equipment (e.g., starting blocks, kickboards, pull buoys) is permitted.
Out-of-Season Vacation Periods No countable athletically related activities permitted outside the playing season during any institutional vacation period and/or summer. No countable athletically related activities permitted outside the playing season during any institutional vacation period and/or summer. Strength and conditioning personnel may monitor voluntary individual workouts for safety purposes without the activity being considered a countable athletically related activity. Strength and conditioning personnel may monitor voluntary individual workouts for safety purposes without the activity being considered a countable athletically related activity. If a strength and conditioning coach is also a coaching staff member for any institutional team, the coach must perform strength and conditioning duties for all teams. If a strength and conditioning coach is also a coaching staff member for any institutional team, the coach must perform strength and conditioning duties for all teams.
Voluntary Activities
Definition of "Voluntary" No requirement to report back to coach/staff information related to the activity. No requirement to report back to coach/staff information related to the activity. Activity must be initiated and requested solely by the student-athlete. Activity must be initiated and requested solely by the student-athlete. Attendance/participation may not be recorded for the purposes of reporting the information to coaches or other student-athletes. Attendance/participation may not be recorded for the purposes of reporting the information to coaches or other student-athletes. No penalty for electing not to participate in the activity. No penalty for electing not to participate in the activity. No recognition can be provided for participation. No recognition can be provided for participation.
Safety Exception
In certain sports, a coach may be present during voluntary individual workouts in the institution's regular practice facility (without the workouts being considered as countable athletically related activities) when the student-athlete uses equipment in that sport. In certain sports, a coach may be present during voluntary individual workouts in the institution's regular practice facility (without the workouts being considered as countable athletically related activities) when the student-athlete uses equipment in that sport. The coach may provide safety or skill instruction, but cannot conduct the individual's workout. The coach may provide safety or skill instruction, but cannot conduct the individual's workout.
The Safety Exception is Applicable to the Following Sports: ArcherySkiing Equestrian Swimming and Diving Fencing Synchronized Swimming Gymnastics Track and Field (field events only) Rowing Water Polo RifleWrestling
Newly Adopted Legislation 2006 Convention
Proposal No Summer Practice – Facility Fees Permits an institution to pay fees associated with the use of the institutional practice and competition facilities by student-athletes engaged in voluntary athletically related activities in his or her sport during the summer. Permits an institution to pay fees associated with the use of the institutional practice and competition facilities by student-athletes engaged in voluntary athletically related activities in his or her sport during the summer. This allows student-athletes to use practice or competition facilities at a reduced rate (or free) during the summer, just as is permissible during the academic year. This allows student-athletes to use practice or competition facilities at a reduced rate (or free) during the summer, just as is permissible during the academic year.
Proposal No First Date of Competition – Fall Sports In cross country, field hockey, football, soccer and women's volleyball, to specify that an institution shall not engage in its first date of competition before the Thursday preceding August 30. In cross country, field hockey, football, soccer and women's volleyball, to specify that an institution shall not engage in its first date of competition before the Thursday preceding August 30. Rationale: To provide for 13 consistent weeks for the championship segment for fall sports. Rationale: To provide for 13 consistent weeks for the championship segment for fall sports.
Proposal No Football Five-Day Acclimatization Period – Walk Throughs During the five-day acclimatization period, have the option of conducting: During the five-day acclimatization period, have the option of conducting: one on-field practice per day, not to exceed three hours in length, or one on-field practice per day, not to exceed three hours in length, or one on-field testing session (speed, conditioning, or agility tests) per day, not to exceed one hour in length and one on-field practice, not to exceed two hours in length. one on-field testing session (speed, conditioning, or agility tests) per day, not to exceed one hour in length and one on-field practice, not to exceed two hours in length. Proposal permits a one-hour walk through per day during the five-day acclimatization period. Proposal permits a one-hour walk through per day during the five-day acclimatization period. No protective equipment (e.g., helmets, shoulder pads) may be worn. No protective equipment (e.g., helmets, shoulder pads) may be worn. No equipment related to football (e.g., footballs, blocking sleds) may be used. No equipment related to football (e.g., footballs, blocking sleds) may be used. No conditioning activities may occur. No conditioning activities may occur. Must be provided with at least three continuous hours of recovery time between any session (i.e., testing, practice or walk-through) occurring that day. Must be provided with at least three continuous hours of recovery time between any session (i.e., testing, practice or walk-through) occurring that day. No meetings or other athletically-related activities (e.g., weight lifting) may occur. No meetings or other athletically-related activities (e.g., weight lifting) may occur. Medical treatment and eating meals may be included as part of the recovery time. Medical treatment and eating meals may be included as part of the recovery time.
Proposal No Golf – Practice and Competition Dates Permits multi-day golf tournaments (up to a maximum of five tournaments) to count as one date of the 24 practice or competition dates during the nonchampionship segment. Permits multi-day golf tournaments (up to a maximum of five tournaments) to count as one date of the 24 practice or competition dates during the nonchampionship segment.
Proposal No Skill Instruction Status: Defeated Status: Defeated Intent: In sports other than football, to permit student- athletes and members of the coaching staff to engage in countable athletically related activities outside the institution's playing season, as specified. Intent: In sports other than football, to permit student- athletes and members of the coaching staff to engage in countable athletically related activities outside the institution's playing season, as specified.
Monitoring Strategies
Institutions must record countable hours on a daily basis for each student-athlete who participates in an individual/team sport. Institutions must record countable hours on a daily basis for each student-athlete who participates in an individual/team sport. Any countable individual or group athletically related activity must count against the time limitation. Any countable individual or group athletically related activity must count against the time limitation. Time limitations are not applicable to student- athletes who do not participate in the countable athletically related activity. Time limitations are not applicable to student- athletes who do not participate in the countable athletically related activity.
Monitoring Strategies Real Time Information Real Time Information Random polling of student-athletes Random polling of student-athletes Comment box Comment box Observe practices Observe practices Accurate documentation provided to student- athletes Accurate documentation provided to student- athletes After the Fact Information After the Fact Information Exit interviews Open forums Educational meetings Practice logs Student-Athlete Advisory Committee
Summary Declaration of Playing Season Declaration of Playing Season In-Season Activities In-Season Activities Out-of-Season Activities Out-of-Season Activities Voluntary Activities Voluntary Activities Safety Exception Safety Exception New Legislation New Legislation Monitoring Strategies Monitoring Strategies