Lesson 1: Introduction to Formulas Unit 2: Basic Formulas and Functions Lesson 1: Introduction to Formulas
Lesson 1: Introduction to Formulas Objectives: Understand what is a formula Know the parts of a formula Describe common math operations Enter/edit formulas using the Formula Bar or direct cell entry
Introduction The power of a spreadsheet is in the ability to work with formulas. A formula is an equation that is entered in a cell, such as 3 + 5. The value or result of the formula is displayed in the cell, and NOT the actual formula. It is important to understand that the value or result of the formula is displayed in the cell, and NOT the actual formula.
= 3 + 5 The Structure of Formulas Equal sign - The equal sign must be the first character in the cell. It tells the spreadsheet you are starting formula. Operator Operand - values or data used in the formula’s calculation. Equal Sign = 3 + 5 Operator - indicates the type of calculation to be done. Operands Basic math operators are: + for addition - for subtraction * for multiplication / for division
Entering a Formula 1 Ways to enter a formula: 1. Enter the formula directly in the cell. 2. Select the cell and enter the formula in the Formula Bar. 2
Editing a Formula 1 Ways to edit a formula: 1. Double click on the cell and edit the formula directly in the cell. 2. Select the cell and edit the formula in the Formula Bar. 2
Summary In this lesson, you learned about basic formulas and how to enter and edit them.