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Perdita Wexler Health Education Coordinator School and Family Support Bureau Public Education Department Lori Goetz Education Administrator Special Education Bureau Public Education Department Presenters Trina Raper Response to Intervention Coordinator Santa Fe Public Schools
Agenda Overview of Supportive School Discipline Initiative Special Education Resources Highlight Response To Intervention (RtI) Wrap Up
Purpose of Supportive School Discipline Initiative Released January 2014 Assists schools in meeting Federal law obligations Focus: Administer student discipline without discriminating on the basis of race, color or national origin.
New Mexico Public School Suspension Rates School Year % of all students received out-of-school suspensions 0.98% of all students received in school suspensions
Civil Rights Data Collection increasing number of students losing important instructional time due to exclusionary discipline Disciplinary sanctions in-school/out-of-school suspensions, expulsions create potential for significant negative educational outcomes
Exclusionary Discipline Policies Studies have shown correlations between exclusionary discipline policies and practices and an array of serious educational, economic, and social problems: o Decreased academic achievement o Increased behavior problems o Increased likelihood of dropping out o Substance abuse o Involvement with juvenile justice system
Dear Colleague Letter Guiding Principles: A Resource Guide on Improving School Climate and Discipline Directory of Federal School Climate and Discipline Resources Compendium of School Discipline Laws and Regulations
Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) 1. Assist schools in meeting their obligations under federal law to administer student discipline without discriminating on the basis of race, color or national origin. 2. Assist schools in providing all students with equal educational opportunities through guidance on how to identify, avoid, and remedy discriminatory discipline.
3. Explain Office of Civil Rights Title VI and Department of Justices Title IV and Title VI investigative process. This includes: Legal framework on allegations of racially discriminatory student discipline practices Evidence to consider in evaluating complaint of discrimination Title IV or Title VI provide remedies for violations to ensure: individual relief to students adherence to the requirements for school
4. Provide examples of school discipline policies and practices that may violate civil rights laws Provide overview of racial disparities in administration of school discipline Civil Rights Data Collection OCR and DOJ investigations Equip school officials with array of tools to support positive student behavior Provide range of options to prevent/address misconduct promote safety and Avoid use of discriminatory/inappropriate discipline policies
The Appendix to the DCL Provides illustrative recommendations to assist schools to identify, avoid and remedy discriminatory discipline based on race, color or national origin The recommendations are linked to U.S. Department of Educations Guiding Principles for Improving School Climate and Discipline
Guiding Principles: A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline
Guiding Principles Outlines principles for improving school climate and discipline practice
The Principles Are and Are Not Are Are Not A resource guide An outline of three priorities Developed for policymakers, district officials, school leaders, and stakeholders Useful to improve school climate and discipline. Reflective of U.S.D.E. research with safe and supportive schools Guidance on legal requirements Required for states, districts, or schools to take actions.
The Three Guiding Principles 1. Create positive climates and focus on prevention 2. Develop clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences to address disruptive student behaviors 3. Ensure fairness, equity, and continuous improvement
Example from Guiding Principle 3: Action Steps Checklist: Train all school staff to apply school discipline policies and practices in a fair and equitable manner. Use proactive, data-driven efforts … to prevent, identify, reduce, and eliminate discriminatory discipline and unintended consequences.
Appendix 1: Directory of Federal School Climate and Discipline Resources
The Directory Includes Products and Tools Data Resources Policy Guidance Technical Assistance Centers Research Federal Initiatives
Appendix 2: Compendium of School Discipline Laws and Regulations
State Law Compendium On-line tool that includes state school discipline laws, regulations, and policies Covers 50 states, Washington D.C., and Puerto Rico Searchable database accessible by state category across one or more states
State Law Compendium Searchable Categories: General Provisions In-School Discipline Out-of -School and Exclusionary Discipline Discipline Approaches Addressing Specific Infractions Prevention and Behavioral Supports Monitoring and Accountability School Resources and Safety Offices State Education Agency Support
Supportive School Discipline Initiative Created due to the collection of nationwide data by the Office for Civil Rights. Youths with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by suspensions and expulsions.
Students who receive special education services represent 12% of students in the country, and: 19 % suspended in school 20 % of students receiving out-of- school suspension 25 % of students receiving multiple out-of-school suspensions 19 % of students expelled 23 % of students referred to law enforcement 23 % of students receiving a school-related arrest
New Mexico To date, the data for New Mexico shows students with disabilities are not disproportionately suspended or expelled. There are many resources available to help us continue to support out students with disabilities.
Directory of Federal School Climate and Discipline Resources: Special Education Highlights
IRIS Training Module- He Just Needs a Little Bit of Discipline (pg. 8) Module 19 - Key Issues in Discipline for Students with Disabilities (pg.13) Partnership Dialogue Guide for Building the Legacy IDEA 2004 Discipline Regulation (pg. 13) Equity by Design-Using Peer-Mediated Learning to Advance Equity for All Student (pg.17) Civil Rights in the Classroom: Special Education, Discipline, and Homelessness (pg.20)
Directory of Federal School Climate and Discipline
Equity by Design: Using Peer-Mediated Learning to Advance Equity for All Students
The Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports pbis.org
The Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)/School-wide PBIS. Functional Behavioral Assessment Bullying Prevention School Mental Health Response to Intervention (RTI) Positive Behavioral Supports and the Law
Special Education Bureau Student Discipline Technical Assistance Manual for Students with Disabilities Addressing Student Behavior Manual Memo on Use of Time-Out Rooms as a Behavioral Intervention Memo on Use of Physical Restraint as Behavioral Intervention
New Mexico Special Education Bureau
Special Education Bureau Technical Manual
Special Education Bureau Behavioral Memos
Response to Intervention
Student Assistance Team Process
discipline/index.htmlwww2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/school- discipline/index.html
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