Where Should Users Go With Questions? The SSC Navigate Support Infrastructure on Your Campus Leadership Team Examples: Contacts Should we be filling out an advising report for a specific interaction? How can we share lessons learned and success across campus? Bruce Scism bscism@dcc.vccs.edu Debra Holley dholley@dcc.vccs.edu Questions about student success initiative (overall), processes, policies, etc. Examples: Navigate Campus Specialists Contacts Should we be filling out an advising report for a specific interaction? What is a watch-list and how to use it? I am not able to find a student I need to create an advising report for Brad Prillaman bprillaman@dcc.vccs.edu Questions about platform functionality, technological protocols at your institution, and best practices for using SSC The SSC Support Infrastructure at EAB Dedicated Consultant Examples: Contacts Questions about strategy, configuration updates and interpretation, EAB research, and future platform development Do you have research on integrating career and academic advising? What types of other SSC Navigate members have roll-out progress reports successfully? Kelly Miller kmiller@eab.com EAB Member Support Examples: Contacts When I click on X I get an error message. What is going on? Experiencing site issues SSCCampusTechSupport @eab.com