Elementary Curriculum Coordinators
Social Studies Why teach Social Studies? Two resources To improve the world Two resources 1.) Videos of K-5 Social Studies instruction 2.) Inquiry Based Projects
Social Studies Social Studies curriculum is designed to help students know how to improve the world. Understanding problems and implementing solutions
Social Studies Examples of WS/FCS K-5 Social Studies Instruction http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/81777 3rd grade video 2
Social Studies To improve the world we need to take action Informed Civic Action How do we know what Civic Action will improve the world? Inquire what are the problems and what are the solutions? What does the past tell us? How does economics, geography…inform us?
Social Studies How do we teach our students to find solutions? Ask better questions Defend your answers Try out your answers
Social Studies What is a great question that you have heard a student ask?
Social Studies Your teachers have written great questions Ibraham – Tiffani Richardson Whitaker – Rebecca Craps Ward – Roberta Haeffelle Caleb’s Creek – Jana Hentz
Social Studies Inquiry Based Projects Compelling Questions Supporting questions Sources Argument Informed Action
Social Studies K-5 Inquiry Based Projects http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/Page/98630
Social Studies Let’s use our Social Studies curriculum to improve our schools, our city, our country, and our world.