Proposer: Marie Clark, ScottishPower Panel Date: 7 February 2014 0482: Mod Title:Proposed Changes to Mod 81 Reports to be effective from 01/10/13 Guidance: These slides are meant to provide a brief overview for the UNC Panel, to introduce what is trying to be achieved, to help them understand and decide the best process to be followed for new modifications. Please aim to be as brief as possible and not justify nor make the case for the Modification. Notes are provided in italics and if this template is being used should be removed. The Joint Office is available to help and support the drafting of any modifications, including guidance on completion of the Modification template and the wider modification process. Contact: or 0121 288 2107. Proposer: Marie Clark, ScottishPower Panel Date: 7 February 2014
Why change? Please use bullets to summarise what in the UNC is wrong and creating problems UNC Section G 1.6.18 – 1.6.20 requires Transporters to publish information regarding the manner in which the AQ review is conducted. These reports are commonly referred to as “Mod 81 Reports”. The current drafting of UNC, Section G, Paragraph 1.6.18(a) requires that for each User, in aggregate across all EUCs, the number of successful AQ amendment applications made is reported. Current reporting based on all successful amendments has the potential to distort the overall picture of AQ movements (increasing and decreasing) This issue has been discussed at the AQ Operational Workgroup and of those attendees who expressed a view, the proposed changes were supported.
Options Please use bullets to summarise what options have been considered to fix the identified problem. Is a UNC modification the only route? Amend current drafting of UNC, Section G, Paragraph 1.6.18 – 20 to replace references to “successful amendments” to “effective amendments”. Consequently this will require changes to be made to the current Mod 81 Reports Ensure that terminology used within Mod 81 Reporting column headings aligns with UNC Terminology
Solution Please use bullets to briefly outline the solution contained within the modification. Mod 81 Reports 1, 2 and 3 are amended to report on effective AQ amendments. Terminology used within the reporting column headings will be amended to align with UNC terminology. Mod 81 Reporting is currently not subject to User Pays Charging. Xoserve has indicated that minimal costs will be incurred as a result of this Modification.
Recommended Steps Please use bullets to summarise the recommended steps. Please indicate how long you think the assessment process should last and if self-governance should apply or not. The Proposer recommends that this modification should be: (delete as appropriate) Subject to self-governance route