Plans for 17/18.


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Presentation transcript:

Plans for 17/18

Delivery in 2017/18 2017/18 is year 2 of Taking Charge – when we will increasingly move from strategy and programme development to delivery; Transformation Funding Mayoral Manifesto

A Healthier Population The GM Population Health Plan has been approved and we want to work with you on its implementation: In July, we will launch our Tobacco Control Strategy. This will aim to reduce smoking prevalence at a pace and scale greater than any other major global city. We would want you to influence, support and launch this strategy; We will test different methods of cancer prevention, including public information campaigns. We have launched a social movement which aims to sign up 20,000 ‘cancer champions’ – and seek your support with this campaign; This year, we will work with localities to implement the core elements of the GM Early Years model to achieve significant improvements in school readiness; We will contribute to the refresh of the GM Moving Strategy and have sent expressions of interest to Sport England for physical inactivity and ageing.

Integration Our ambition is for a fully integrated health and care service across GM; Each of the 10 areas in GM is developing a single Strategic Commissioning Function and a Local Care Organisation and we have backed these with investment from the Transformation Fund; The Single Commissioning Function will include a single leadership team and pooled budgets We have commenced a programme of work to look at new payment and incentive mechanisms for health and care – as part of this we are exploring options for complex case management – which will include Year of Care-type arrangements.

Acute & Specialist Care Programme aims are to: improve quality & safety; reduce variation; increase productivity; strengthen the interface with community models; and enhance collaboration; As part of the overall strategy, pursuing Manchester Single Hospital Service and Salford-Pennine Group; Healthier Together moving into phased implementation phase; GM Strategy for hospital-based Services to be in place by April 2018; Key challenge is to synchronise delivery of LCOs and acute reform to ensure smooth flow of patients – whole pathway approach; Public and workforce engagement crucial in acute reform programme

Mental Health Last year, we successfully launched our GM Mental Health Strategy; In June/July, we will finalise our investment proposition to deliver the strategy; We will propose a c.£45m Transformation Fund investment in mental health for GM, in addition to resources already committed via CCGs; This will enable delivery of both the national Five Year Forward View for Mental Health and the priorities of GM’s strategy by 2020; We will seek your public support for the plan and investment strategy – plus your influence on tackling the stigma attached to mental health

Workforce We will finalise the GM Workforce Strategy across July-September - focused on four priorities: talent development & system leadership; ‘grow our own’; employment offer and brand, and filling difficult gaps in supply; We will target skills shortages in the resident labour market, skills gaps within the existing workforce, and a recognition of the shifting skills required for the new care model; As part of the process above, we will address the challenges we are facing on the nursing workforce. We have commissioned a cost benefit analysis on how we can retain the workforce within GM which will draw up options as to how best meet your relevant Manifesto commitments; We will seek your direct engagement with the GM workforce on implementing the Strategy.

Adult Social Care Transformation The GM Adult Social Care Transformation programme is signed off and we have had previous dialogue with leaders. Basic construct is: Decisions on allocation of extra money made locally but will basically need to meet three objectives: avoid planned cuts meet requirements re support to NHS in terms of freeing up hospital beds as head for this winter invest in transformation We need to know how localities are balancing these requirements in the context of overall use of Better Care Fund and Transformation fund resources At same time we are turning Social Care Transformation Programme into clear delivery plan for development of products that localities can buy into, reaping quality and efficiency dividends as well as taking forward programmes of work that only make sense at GM level.

Homelessness Homelessness and Health workshop held on 21st April 2017 with senior leaders across the system – actions will now be followed up; We will provide matching programme funding to support the new Tsar on homelessness; We have now appointed a new Housing and Health programme manager in the partnership – who will link directly to the Homelessness Action Network and Homelessness Fund; We will offer support from across the health and care system – including on access to primary care; mental health; tackling addiction and more specialist support.

Finance & Capital Despite a highly challenging environment, we are forecasting an aggregate NHS surplus of £244m for 2016/17 in GM which is £164m above plan; Despite some extra resource for social care, 2017/18 is likely to be much more challenging, and it is therefore crucial that we begin to realise the financial impact of transformational change this year; - Re estates, we are seeking to maximise the GM share of the additional £325m capital funding announced for the most advanced STPs and, should it be implemented after the election, the GM share of the £10bn new capital recommended in the Naylor Review. We have developed a good relationship with the DH team who like our estates planning model Digital investment – while we have agreed a possible pot of capital and revenue, and phasing, access to this money is held up in broader national processes between NHS E , DH and HMT. We may need political support to get this funding unlocked asap. after the Election.

Next Steps Agree delayed Business Plan for 17/18 before end of July Proactive and coordinated response to national policy development, e.g. social care green paper Streamline governance for GM decision-making Schedule ‘early win’ announcements, e.g. mental health, tobacco control Create single narrative and campaign for workforce engagement.