Review of Rabi 2012 and Preparations for Kharif 2013 Revisiting salient points from the National Perspective 1
Rabi Good Climatic conditions Generally good winter rains Conducive temperature regime Higher Rabi Crop area except in Rice Sporadic incidents of crop losses Drought in Maharashtra, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh Hailstorm, excessive rains 5 lac hectare affected in AP, Raj, MP, Haryana and UP Yellow rust on wheat 5000 ha affected in Punjab, Haryana, HP on susceptible varieties Will be limited on rise in temperature To watch for Terminal Heat Stress Light irrigation through sprinklers Overall very good prospects for Rabi crops with better harvest than that of previous year AreaProduction *Change *Change Wheat Rice (Rabi) Sorghum Maize Barley Total Rabi Coarse Cereals Gram Urad Moong Total Rabi Pulses Total Foodgrains Groundnut Rapeseed &Mustard Total Rabi Oilseeds Area in mHa Production in mT 2 * anticipated
Rabi, a stabilizing factor Sustained and Steady increase in Rabi food grains Production Additional water availability AIBP – Irrigation potential of 6 million hectares created through completion of 134 major and medium projects and 9220 MI works ending IWMP – 3 million hectares of area has protective irrigation source NMMI – Sprinklers have increased pulses area in rice fallows of MP, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand Developmental work Water pumps Shallow tube wells Off seasonal works under MGNREGS * is assessed figures and not official estimate 3
Production Targets Increased contribution of Rabi over Kharif in Total Food Grains Loss of 6 million tons in Kharif compensated by estimated 9.5 million tons gain in Rabi for Total Food Grains Production Shortfall in Rice by 2 million tons and in coarse cereals by 5 million tons Drought in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Gujarat caused shortfall in Coarse cereals Drought in AP, TN, WB caused Rice area shift to potato, pulses and oilseeds Overall production targets would be achieved in Total Food Grains due to higher production of wheat Production in mTs 4
Gross Cropped Area Cotton, Jute, Sugarcane even up the production gains of Rabi in Food grains and Oilseeds 5
Kharif Crops More than a third of total kharif area is covered by Rice Other major crops are Cotton, Soybean, pulses and Coarse Cereals Production and Productivity largely dependent on monsoon 6
PLANNING FOR KHARIF 2013 Likely Monsoon Scenarios Forecast of India Metrological Department is awaited Plan for all the possible scenarios ready Delayed onset, prolonged dry spells, early withdrawal, less ranfall, excessive rainfall, normal rainy season Input planning for normal situation review of Critical Inputs -seeds, fertilizers, PP Chemicals, completed in Zonal Review meetings DAC – ICAR pre Kharif Interface completed Recommendations circulated Contingency plans and Advisories State-wise, District wise contingent plans prepared by CRIDA in consultation with SAUs and other stakeholders 7
Seeds Cotton Cereal Crops Crop Requirement (Lakh Qtls) Availability (Lakh Qtls) Paddy Maize Jowar Bajra Ragi0.30 Total Cereal
Fertilizers Fertiliz er Kharif 2012Kharif 2013 Remarks Assessed Requirem ent (LMT) Total Sales (LMT) * Assessed Requirem ent (LMT) Urea DOF informed in Zonal Conference for Kharif, 2013 that they have all the fertilizers including Urea in sufficient quantities and assured that the fertilizers would be provided as per the requirements. DAP MOP NPK SSP Qty in lakh Tons Use of Biofertilizers - Azosprillium, Azotobacter, Rhizobium, Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria, Potash mobilizing bacteria reduce the dose of N,P,K fertilizer by % Use of micronutrients based on soil health maps / soil health analysis report. Deficiency - Sulphur 46%; Zinc 49%; Boron 33%; Molybdenum 13%; Iron 12%; Magnsium 5%; Copper 3% 9
Expectations Timely placement of inputs Coordination meetings across Departments for credit, power, irrigation Finalize procurement arrangements for seeds, fertilizers, nutrients, chemicals, program funds Weekly video conferencing for regular liaison and follow up Mobilizing extension staff for field deployment Pooling contractual staff under ATMA, NFSM and other schemes Active involvement of SAUs Technical Backstopping Monitoring 10
RICE Mechanical/Line Transplanting Community or commercial seedlings Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) Drum seeders for wet bed Seed drills for dry bed Weed management Promoting Hybrid and Stress Tolerant Varieties Popular public/private hybrids Suvarna-Sub-1 for flash flood Sahbhagi Dhan for drought/low rainfall areas Nutrient and Pest Management Focus in Eastern India CRRI led regular crop monitoring New CSISA hub at Bhubaneshwar Promotion of stress tolerant varieties in partnership with STRASA, IRRI NIPHM for augmenting farm level grain storage and dryer system 11
PULSES Improved varieties/planting Methods Ridge/furrow method Improved varieties of pigeonpea/ urd/ mung Area expansion Intercropping with sorghum/cotton, soybean in south and central States; Planting on rice bunds Plant protection Gypsum or Bentonite Sulphur with micro nutrients and biofertilizers Weed management with recommended chemicals Pest surveillance and Integrated Pest management IPM Pest surveillance and advisory service supported by NCIPM Procurement Supported by NAFED- SFAC-National Spot Exchange 12
Schemes and Programs Increased allocation under RKVY, NFSM and other schemes Continuation of BGREI Apex Inter Ministerial Committee under PM Suggestions from Eastern States? New Programs on Crop Diversification and for Nutri-farms in identified areas Proposals and suggestions expected from Punjab, Haryana and UP for crop diversification Group of Ministers on crop diversification Stakeholder consultation being scheduled to promote iron enriched pearl millets, Quality protein Maize and other bio-fortified crops Likelihood of introduction of new missions and programs with modified guidelines during the year NMSA, NMAT, NMOP Continuation of existing programs until revisions 13
Contingency Crop Planning Technical to Action Plans 2 to 3 million hectares of area gets affected by drought like conditions and/or other calamities in some or the other parts of the country Operationalizing District Contingent Crop Plans in time could save crop losses to farmers Earmarking 1% of the RKVY and other scheme funds for contingent crop program could help in making timely and effective action plans Unspent amount could be used for regular medium term mitigation programs 14
Summing up Production targets of Total Food Grains are expected to be achieved in Planning for Kharif 2013 should be focused on Eastern India Development Crop Diversification in North Western Region Pulses and Oilseeds Adequate administrative and financial backup is required for implementing crop contingency plans, should the need so arise 15
Publication releases Impact Evaluation Studies of Technical Components of National Food Security Mission 15 studies on specific topics in 15 States conducted in-house by Crop Development Directorates under guidance of Consultants engaged under National Food Security Mission Cluster Demonstrations of Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties in Stress Prone Parts of India ( ) - Interim Report Conducted by International Rice Research Institute with its national partners over 9,700 hectares of 106 blocks in 51 districts in States of WB, AP, Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand and UP First Semi annual Medium Term Agricultural Outlook Report February 2013 Prepared by National Council of Applied Economic Research 16