Ms. Kathryn (Katie) Suter ELL 6 Ms. Kathryn (Katie) Suter
About Me M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language B.A. with distinction in English Language and Literature 14 years at Tenafly Middle School Subjects taught: Social Studies, Math, Science, Language Arts
Course Content Conversation and Vocabulary Development Reading Thematic Units that target: Conversation and Vocabulary Development Reading Writing, Spelling, Grammar
Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency Math Science Social studies Language Arts
Materials Pens and pencils Binder (could be used for several subjects) with loose-leaf paper Planner Highlighter and colored pencils Textbook (to be left at home- not handed out yet) Earbuds/earphones
Grading Policy Homework: 5 points Late homework will lose points Quizzes: 20-40 points Tests and Projects: 50-100 points Late projects- 5 points off each day late
Technology Most writing assignments should be done on Google drive and shared with me. If Internet is down or dog ate the laptop, please write the homework on paper.
Extra Help Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays before school in 226. Other days and times by request. Encourage your child to come for extra help when he/she is struggling or discouraged!
Contact Information E-mail: