Vocabulary Workshop Unit 10 Level D
Adept (adj.) thoroughly skilled; (n.) an expert Syn: (adj.) masterful, accomplished, proficient Ant: (adj) clumsy, unskilled, maladroit; (n.) novice
Aspire (v) to have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal, desire earnestly; to ascend Syn: seek, yearn, aim for, soar
Despicable (adj.) worthy of scorn, contemptible Syn: low, vile, cheap, sordid, detestable Ant: praiseworthy, commendable, meritorious
Emancipate (v.) to free from slavery; to release or liberate Syn: set loose, unchain, unshackle, unfetter Ant: enslave, snare, chain, shackle
Erroneous (adj.) incorrect, containing mistakes Syn: mistaken, fallacious, all wrong Ant: accurate, correct, exact, unerring
Exploit (v.) to make use of, develop; to make improper use of for Syn: (v.) utilize, turn to advantageous, misuse
Extemporaneous (adj.) made or delivered on the spur of the moment Syn: spontaneous, impromptu, off-the-cuff Ant: planned, rehearsed, prepared
Impair (v.) to make imperfect, damage, harm Syn: injure, mar, disable, cripple, enervate Ant: improve, strengthen, promote, advance
Invincible (adj.) not able to be defeated, unbeatable Syn: unconquerable, indomitable, insuperable Ant: vulnerable, conquerable, surmountable
Skeptical (adj.) inclined to doubt; slow to accept something as true Syn: dubious, suspicious, incredulous Ant: believing, credulous, gullible, ingenuous