Tips for Good Hygiene during Cold/Flu Season If only Healthy Behaviors were Contagious
Tip 1 - Get a Flu Shot The single best way to protect against seasonal flu is to vaccinated each fall A seasonal flu vaccination will: Help reduce the possibility of getting BOTH the seasonal and Avian Flu Boost your immunity which will help you in the event of a pandemic
Tip 2 - Wash Your Hands Frequently Use soap and warm, running water Keep fingers pointing down under the water Rub hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds Dry hands completely using a fresh towel
Tip 3 – Cover Your Mouth! Cover nose and mouth with a (NEW) tissue every time you cough or sneeze If you dont have a tissue then sneeze or cough into your sleeve Remember…when an infected person breaths, talks, coughs or sneezes, thousands of tiny particles containing droplet nuclei are expelled into the air. Virus spreads by these droplets
Tip 4 – Avoid Touching Your Eyes, Nose or Mouth Germs spread when a person touches something contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth Flu virus needs to enter the body and get to the lungs in order to reproduce. If stays on hands – it wont hurt you! If it stays on your hands and you touch your eyes – you give the virus a route to enter the body.
Tip 5 - Practice Work-Related Hygiene At work (or home) – its a good idea to: Keep disinfect wipes and gels handy Use as appropriate Disinfect hard surfaces such as phones, desks and computer keyboards Ensure trash receptacles have removable plastic liners If not – consider using disinfectant spray
Tip 6 - Stay Home When Youre Sick Do not come to work if you have: Chills, shivering and fever (>100.4 degrees) Onset of muscle aches and pains Sore throat Dry Cough Trouble Breathing Sneezing Stuffy or Runny Nose Tiredness When you are sick - keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too