Season Cubes What are the 4 seasons?
Season Cubes What are the 4 seasons? Spring Summer Fall Winter
Winter Season Cubes To make the season cube follow these steps: DAY 1- Trace 6 circles and 6 squares onto your paper. (Put the squares inside the circles.) Using pencil, draw a picture in each square to represent the Winter season. Trace your drawings with Sharpie marker. Color in your drawings and the outside circle with crayons or colored pencils. Hanukkah menora Christmas treeKwanzaa kinara
Winter Season Cubes To make the season cube follow these steps: DAY 2- Cut out the 6 circles. Fold the tabs of the circles in toward the middle to make a crease. Glue the tabs of all the circles together to make a 6 sided Winter Season Cube. When you glue… you must hold tight for 30 seconds. Hanukkah menora Christmas treeKwanzaa kinara