Off-Season Training for the Cyclist Lorri Lee Lown USA Cycling Licensed Coach ACE-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer Johnny G. Certified Spinning® Instructor Founder & Coach, Velo Girls
If you do the same thing the same way all the time..... youll get very good at doing the same thing!
General Adaptation Syndrome Alarm -- Resistance -- Exhaustion
Define your season based on goals! What do you want to do next year?
Periodization The process of varying your training based on annual cycles, defined by your goals. –Macrocycle -- typically one year –Mesocycle -- phases of training –Microcycle -- daily & weekly training plan
Sample Periodized Training Program Try this at home!
October & November Base Training LSD Rides Cross-training Resistance Training -- hypertrophy low weight (65-85% 1RM) moderate repetitions (6-12) high sets (3-6) second rest between sets 2-3 times/week
December & January Strength Phase Strength Rides -- hills, big gears Resistance Training -- strength high weight (>85% 1RM) low repetitions (1-6) high sets (2-5) 2-5 minute rest between sets 2-3 times/week
February & March Power Phase -- explosive! Power Rides -- sprints, intervals Resistance Training -- power moderate weight (75-85% 1RM) low repetitions (3-6) high sets (3-5) 2-5 minute rest between sets 2-3 times/week incorporate plyometrics and Olympic lifts
April & May Muscular Endurance Phase Tempo Rides with Strength & Power Intervals Resistance Training -- endurance low weight (65-85% 1RM) high repetitions (6-20) high sets (3-6) second rest between sets 2-3 times/week
June - September Peak Phase -- might include multiple peaks Tempo Rides and Strength & Power Rides for Maintenance Resistance Training -- maintenance low weight (65-85% 1RM) moderate repetitions (6-12) high sets (3-6) second rest between sets at least one time a week
Alternatives for Winter Riding Commuting Night Riding Indoor riding on a trainer or rollers Indoor Cycling Classes Stationary Cycling in the gym Cross-training
Now Recruiting! Old guys who get fat in winter race team. (dont go there)
Nutrition & Weight Loss Winter is the best time to focus on weight loss or maintenance The first national bank of C, P & F You dont have to be Lance to keep a food journal --
Great Reads! The Cyclists Training Bible -- Joe Friel Fred Mathenys Complete Book of Road Bike Training Serious Cycling -- Ed Burke, Ph.D. Cycling Health and Physiology -- Ed Burke, Ph.D.
What are you dying to know? Yep, its time for Q&A
Off-Season Training for the Cyclist Lorri Lee Lown USA Cycling Licensed Coach ACE-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer Johnny G. Certified Spinning® Instructor Founder & Coach, Velo Girls