Higher order questions Lesson Topic(s): Math 2nd Grade Week of: February 25-March 1, 2019 Objectives: Students will classify, sort, and compose, three dimensional solids. Students will measure with non-standard units. TEKS: 2.1E-representations; 2.1F-analyze relationships;2.1C-select tools;2.1E-create/use representations ELPS:2.E.3;3.D.2;3.F.1;1.F;3.C.4 Essential Question(s): How can I sort and compose three dimensional solids? How can I use inch models to measure length? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lesson Plan Lesson 15.2 Sort three dimensional solids Lesson 15.3 Compose three dimensional solids Module 15 Assessment 16.1 Measure with inch models Tier 1 lesson practice, small group activities and enrichment pages. Vocabulary/ELPS Edge Face Vertex Vertices ELPS: define Cone Cube Cylinder Rect.prism Sphere Tri. prism ELPS: describe Inch Length Measure Measurement ELPS: rephrase ELPS: manipulatives/peer interaction Higher order questions How would you describe the faces of prisms? How can you build a rectangular prism? How can I shade the views of a 3D solid? How can you use inch models to measure length? Explain how measurement is important in the world. Assessment Strategy Students will identify faces, edges, and vertices of 3D solids. Students will identify and show the construction of a 3D solid. Students will identify and compose three dimensional shapes . Students will measure classroom items with non standard measurements. Students will do RTI as needed to reinforce skills.