Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) 2018 – we value your voice! 5th – 25th February 2018 Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) 2018 – we value your voice! Quality Assurance & Statistical Services Office National College of Ireland
ISSE 2018 – #wevalueyourvoice 19% NCI is participating in ISSE 2018 from 5th – 25th February 2018 first year undergraduate, final year undergraduate and postgraduate taught students receive an invitation directly to their email account when the survey opens – up to two reminders are also sent in addition, students can also access it at and should then click on the ‘take the survey’ icon for taught students last year’s responses from NCI students highlighted that our students: are responding well to increasing levels of feedback on their work appreciate real work examples, effective use of Moodle, and direction from staff both inside and outside the classroom are increasingly prepared to ask questions or contribute in class as a thank you for student participation in ISSE 2018, NCI and NCISU are giving One4all gift cards worth €100 each to three respondents, as well as printer credits, ball tickets and branded clothing to more than twenty other participants as part of a draw organised by i-graduate NCI’s current ISSE response rate (as of 16 February 2018) 626 NCI students have already provided their feedback, but we need 1,000+ students to reach our 30% response rate target let’s beat last year’s total of 23% - see the QA@NCI blog at https://qanci.wordpress. com/ for more details
We Value Your Voice NCISU president Stephen Cleary, NCISU vice president Sean McMahon, NCI president Gina Quin, and NCI vice president Prof Jimmy Hill pictured at the launch of the Irish Survey of Student Engagement 2018 at NCI
The Irish National Survey of Student Engagement is funded by the Higher Education Authority (HEA). It is co- sponsored by the HEA, institutions’ representative bodies including Institutes of Technology Ireland (IOTI) and the Irish Universities Association (IUA), and the Union of Students in Ireland (USI).