MAP Geometry Be respectful. Be successful.


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MAP Geometry Be respectful. Be successful. Ms. Hardig Contact Information Class Materials Ms. Elizabeth Hardig Room #210 Remind 101: Text @hardiggeom to 81010 For this course, you will need the following resources everyday: Pencil Composition notebook 3. Red Pen Expectations and Goals In this course, we will explore various mathematical concepts that will equip us to be successful citizens. You will be held to high expectations, both academically and behaviorally. Always strive towards your goals. Incomplete work, poor attitudes, and other non-productive behaviors will not catapult you towards success and therefore, will not be tolerated.. If you are struggling at any point, please see me so that we can work together to help you reach your full potential. . Be respectful. Be successful. Grading & Policies Major Grades: This includes tests and projects. 50% of your grade. Daily Grades: This includes classwork, homework, warm-ups, exit tickets, quizzes, discussions and more. 50% of your grade. Late Policy: All late work will receive a grade penalty. 1 day late = 10 points off 2 days late = 20 points off 3 days late = 30 points off 4 or more days late = No Credit Make-Up/Retesting Any daily grade assignment that students scored below an 85 on can be redone for up to an 85. This must be done in tutorials. For any test grade, you can try to increase your grade for up to full credit! You must attend 2 tutorials beforehand though.

Additional Policies Be respectful. Be successful. Tutorials Technology Tutorials will be twice a week on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8:05-8:35. There are afternoon tutorials available Wednesday after school from 4:05-4:30, and any day during lunch. If these times do not accommodate your schedule, please see me so we can find a time that works for both of us. Please note: the expectation is that you are attentive in class and working to understand the concepts. Please do not waste class time only to request to stay after school to make up for lost time. Technology We will be utilizing various resources to access the Internet to research, review material, and submit assignments. You must hold yourselves to high expectations when you use these resources. Your time must be spent well. Unless I specifically say that you may have your cell phones out, you must keep them away at all times. If I see your cell phone in class, I will take it for the remainder of the class period. Academic Dishonesty All work that you submit must be your own work. You may not do any of the following: Turn in or copy someone else’s work. Copy someone’s work and change a few of the words. Attempt to use any notes on a closed-not assignment. Look at someone else’s work during an quiz, test, or otherwise individual assessment. If you are doing any of the above or anything else that constitutes cheating, you will be able to make up the assignment for up to a 70 the first time. If it ever happens again, you will receive a 0 and not be able to make it up. Other Policies Please raise your hand to speak. Do not interrupt valuable instruction to ask to go to the bathroom. Please wait for an appropriate time. You must sign out every time you leave the classroom for any reason during class time. Come prepared to class with your materials and a positive attitude. Leave the table materials the same way you found them. Be respectful to everyone. Clean up after yourself. Respect the property in the classroom. Be an active participant in the classroom. Have fun!  Be respectful. Be successful.