CTC Machine Logix using JMRI/PanelPro Dick Bronson - RR-CirKits, Inc. Other Clinics in this series: Introduction to Layout Control with JMRI/PanelPro Repeated 4:00 PM, Friday, July 10th
CTC Logix CTC Logix This is the panel we have created so far.
CTC Logix CTC Logix This is the panel we have created so far. Create a Logix IX3:RSC (Plant 3: Right Stick Control) A 'stick' relay is one that maintains its position by contacts on itself. I.e. Once it is triggered it stays activated until some different action releases it. We will simulate this by using one conditional to set it, and a different conditional to release it.
CTC Logix CTC Logix This is the panel we have created so far. Create a Logix IX3:RSC (Plant 3: Right Stick Control) A 'stick' relay is one that maintains its position by contacts on itself. I.e. Once it is triggered it stays activated until some different action releases it. We will simulate this by using one conditional to set it, and a different conditional to release it.
CTC Logix CTC Logix The first one is simple. If the traffic simulator switch is turned 'On' it is set.
CTC Logix CTC Logix The first one is simple. If the traffic simulator switch is turned 'On' it is set. Now create the second conditional 3:RSC Release
What we have covered so far: CTC (Panel) What we have covered so far: Placing signals on a panel. Simple Panel Logic and sounds. Where we are going next: CTC Panel Logix (09-8 CTC-Logix)