Knowledge & Understanding of the World English The children have been writing apology letters as a character from one of their favourite books “The Worst Witch”. Their descriptions of a broomstick flying display spoilt by a faulty magic broom have been super. They are also looking at a “beating the baddie story” which they will use to develop their descriptive writing of settings. Topic Extending our enquiry wider than the UK, we will know be looking at the Geography of the continents of the world. We will study the geography of the world by following the voyages of explorers Christopher Columbus and Ellen Macarthur. This will allow us to compare maps, experiences and the lives of explorers in different periods. The children will also look the world from space using the travels of Neil Armstrong. Mathematical world In maths we will be covering the following areas: Addition and subtraction. Using number fact families to support our learning. Time: Telling the time to quarter to and past and then to every 5 minutes. Please support your child at home by using an analogue clock to help them tell the time. Measures of height and weight to explore centimetres, metres We are also looking at finding fractions of amounts, so that the children will be expected to find a half and a quarter of an amount, as well as 3/4s. Year 2 Knowledge & Understanding of the World Science Our focus this half term is to investigate the properties of every day materials, understand the language of materials and compare their suitability for different tasks. RE & PSHE Our PSHE work is concentrating on examining how to store medicines, hazardous substances and differences. The Physical World We are lucky enough to be having sessions delivered by PE specialists in both cricket and tennis this half term. Computing Music In music we are practising for a music festival where the children will perform “ The Little Muncher,” with other Stockport schools. Art & DT In D and T we are looking at bridges and how they are supported. We have been experimenting with different types of supports and looking at famous bridges in the world. Our design task will be to come up with our own ideas for a bridge and make and evaluate it.
Thorn Grove Primary School Information & reminders for parents: Dear Parents, Welcome back to school for this second Spring Term. This term PE will be on Monday and Fridays. Hopefully we won’t need our warm tops as much but could you please make sure your child has a black, grey or navy top in school because the weather can still be quite chilly and the children will be standing to listen to our sport coaches. Please try and label all PE kits to speed up changing. Homework and spelling tests will still be on Friday and times table tests are also tested then. Please continue to use ‘Times Table Rockstars’ to encourage rapid recall of facts and My Maths and Bug Club to find some great maths and reading comprehension activities. We are really noticing how the children are improving with the support that they are receiving at home. Please be aware that the children must only bring water into school to drink during the day and the children will be able to fill their bottles in school. Kind regards, Mrs Sinclair and Miss Gardner Year 2 Newsletter Thorn Grove Primary School