on courses development for Eco-BRU TEMPUS Project 07/19/10 Republic of Belarus REPORT on courses development for Eco-BRU TEMPUS Project Zilina, April 2015 1
The List of the Courses Developed for School Teachers № п/п The Course Title Developer Project Design Activity in Environmental Education of Students ISEU Environmental Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Approaches to Training Key Competence in Radioecology for School Teachers Geographic information system technologies in study and research activities on Geography and Ecology GSU, VSTU, PolesSU Organization of ecological education and training in extracurricular forms of study Environmental education of students: modern technologies of physical education Didactic approaches in the organization of environmental researches at secondary school BSAA Teaching the sustainable development of the social and natural systems Natural sciences teaching from the point of environmental aspects
The List of the Courses Developed for College and University Teachers № п/п The Course Title Developer Competence in Environmental Safety for Professional Adults ISEU Practical Ecoscience within the Framework of Distance Education for Teachers Environmental Ethics in Vocational Education Ecological and economic aspects of business GSU, VSTU, PolesSU Improving of environmental education of engineering students on the basis of a practice-oriented approach Environmental education as a basic component of the technosphere employees’ biospherically compatible activity Agroecology and Radiation Safety BSAA Sustainable environment Sustainable development of the social and natural systems
COMPETENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY for professional adults 07/19/10 COMPETENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY for professional adults Zilina, April 2015 4
AUTHORED BY THE ISEU TEAM OF DEVELOPERS 07/19/10 5 Natalia V. Prokopenko, PhD, assistant professor, Head of the Chair of Environmental Medicine and Radiobiology Elena Y. Zhuk PhD, assistant professor, Head of the Chair of Human Biology and Ecology Yuliya A. Vishneuskaya, MSc, Senior staff lecturer, Chair of Philosophy 5
GOALS and OBJECTIVES 07/19/10 7 GOAL: to form an integrative vision of environmental safety issues basing on: actual knowledge on ecological situation (Objective #1); modern approaches to building environmental awareness (Objective #2); strong environmental responsibility (Objective #3). 7
TARGET GROUPS University teachers College teachers School teachers 07/19/10 8 University teachers College teachers School teachers 8
Awareness of the special role of environmental knowledge 07/19/10 WHY IS ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY? 9 TEACHER Moral consciousness Proffessional activity Awareness of the special role of environmental knowledge 9
ACTUALITY Continuous Ecological Education No integrative view on ecosafety elements of different levels No Ecology Subject at School Continuous Ecological Education National Strategy for Sustainable Development
ACTUALITY FOR ECO-BRU Block I GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION ESC-course Hours Weeks Credits Number of Students 60 10 2 10-15
PRINCEPLES OF DESIGNING ESC-COURSE 07/19/10 PRINCEPLES OF DESIGNING ESC-COURSE 12 1. Relevancy - the curriculum must be RELEVANT to the adult’s work: the new information presented should be immediately useful to participants and as application-based as possible. 2. Spiraled curriculum - participants need the opportunity to continually revisit material learned in ever increasing levels of complexity: adults benefit from multiple and increasingly complex looks at the same material. The more recursive the curriculum, the better. 3. Collegiality - adults learn best when their learning is ASSOCIATIVE: since the participants most likely work as part of a team in their home settings, it is important to mimic that environment in their learning. Adults also learn more effectively when they are given an opportunity to discuss and debate differing viewpoints. 12
Teaching and Learning Triangle PLANNING TOOLS & TIPS 07/19/10 13 Bloom’s Taxonomy Teaching and Learning Triangle Design with Interaction and Authenticity 13
PLANNING TOOLS & TIPS Bloom’s Taxonomy 07/19/10 Synthesis Evaluation 14 Analysis Bloom’s Taxonomy B. Bloom specified that these levels are hierarchic, meaning that each level is a necessary prerequisite before one can achieve the next higher level. Application Comprehension Knowledge The Bloom’s taxonomy was used to elaborate the learning outcomes for each topic of the ESC-course. 14
ESC-COURSE CONTENT Topic 1 07/19/10 15 Topic 1 Environmental Safety and Sustainable Development. Environmental Monitoring Topic 2 The Anthropogenic Factors and The Biosphere Topic 3 Modern Environmental Threats and The Ways to Reduce Environmental Risks Topic 4 Radiation Safety Topic 5 Energy Safety Topic 6 Biosafety Topic 7 Environment and Human Health 15
ESC-COURSE CONTENT Each topic includes: 07/19/10 16 Each topic includes: Introduction to main terms and definitions; Short theory; Recursion to the materials of previous topics; National and International regulation; Relevant ethical issues; Cases and examples 16
STUDY MATERIAL FOR EACH TOPIC CONSISTS OF: 07/19/10 17 Topic #N Syllabus Discussion rubrics Practical exercise, case- study Assignment 17
EACH SYLLABUS CONSISTS OF: 07/19/10 18 Syllabus #N Introduction to the topic Learning tasks Learning objectives, indicated according Bloom’s taxonomy Required reading Optional reading 18
SYLLABUS EXAMPLE Topic Tasks Introduction Terms Reading 07/19/10 19 Topic Tasks Introduction Terms Reading Learning outcomes Guidelines for assingments 19
Moodle Platform Realization of the ESC-Course 07/19/10 20 20
with these participants, in this setting, at this time 07/19/10 Evaluation: What have they learned? How will this guide my future teaching? with these participants, in this setting, at this time Instruction: How will I teach? Planning: What will I teach? The Teaching and Learning Triangle 21
ASSESS STUDENT’S NEEDS 07/19/10 22 Pre –Tests could be proposed to diagnose students’ background, strengths, weaknesses, attitudes. According to the pre-testing results the topics could be learned in different order: For students with more strengths in biology 2 7 1 3 4 5 6 For students with more strengths in environmental science 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 22
Tools for Evaluating Student Learning 07/19/10 23 Pre and Post Tests Electronic Tools (ex. open questions survey) Discussion Rubrics (on-line forums) Assignments & essays 23
EXPECTED RESULTS OF THE ESC-COURSE 07/19/10 24 Trainees will know: - The basic concepts in the field of environmental safety; - The role of environmental safety for sustainable development; - The types and sources of anthropogenic load on the biotic and abiotic components; be able to: - Analyze the effects of environmental factors on living organisms; - Apply the basic techniques and methods for environmental assessment; - Predict changes in the state of ecosystems due to human activity; will master: - The conceptual approach to the methods and techniques of control of environmental pollution; - Risks assessment and management skills; - Skills for environmental impact assessment. 24
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 07/19/10 25 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! E-mail to: zhukelena@yandex.by 25