Project 1: Investigating the Value versus Cost of Privacy in the Internet of Things REU Student: Alex Mayle Graduate mentors: Sina Masnadi and Safa Bacanli Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Turgut and Dr. Wisniewski Week 2 (May 30 – June 3, 2016) This Week’s Goal: Determine if modifying the Android OS, in contrast to developing an app, is a viable option for the research project. To do this, I needed to find a way to “intercept” requests for sensitive data (locations,, email, financial info, health stats, etc..) at the OS level Accomplishments: Downloaded & compiled the Android OS (Yes, that’s an accomplishment) Read 1 ½ papers on Value of Information Continued learning about Java & the Android platform Android’s Permission framework Identified significant & promising portions of the Android source code
Project 1: Investigating the Value of Information versus Cost of Privacy in the Internet of Things REU Student: Alex Mayle Graduate mentors: Sina Masnadi and Safa Bacanli Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Turgut and Dr. Wisniewski Issues/problems encountered and solutions (if any): Finding the EXACT place in code to “intercept” requests for sensitive data is difficult Tracing control flow from function to function is difficult considering the amount of virtual and asynchronous function calls Plans for next week: Need to find the exact place to insert code & start implementing Determine what I’d like to implement at that point Intercept every request and evaluate the Voi vs Privacy tradeoff Let every request be passively accepted and study “perceived” vs “accurate” privacy loss of the user Launch a “negotiation” dialog to allow the user to bargain between privacy loss and information received