Personal and Professional Impact 5EC Elective Practice Consultancy skills in real projects Supported by R. Spitters & M. Cleiren| FSW
New multidisciplinairy course: Personal and Professional Impact For Ba3 students. What will you learn? Train personal and professional 21st Century skills while working on a real life consultancy case in a diverse team. Feedback on your professional development 5EC may be used for either regular elective space or Honours programme (5 EC, level 300)! See what your academic knowledge and skills is worth in society around you and have an impact within an organization. Programme Start 20th September until 13th December 2018, Thursdays 16:00-19:00 Mix of lectures, workshops, tutorial group meetings, client contact, and presentations Attending all meetings is obligatory!
Professional and Personal Impact - Consultancy Cases: Finding suitable secondary education for children with disabilities (examining the position of consultants). Towards a new definition of citizenship in the light of the coming decentralization of spatial planning in the Netherlands. Achieving a healthy and more sustainable working/study climate for students and staff in higher education. Towards a circular economy: developing a residual value calculator for circular building products (TNO case). Improving the connection between the integration trajectory for ‘refugee students’ and the pursuit of an academic degree. A more sustainable FSW. The implementation of privacy legislation in methodology training in our Bachelor programs.
Interested? All information & Signup: Deadline: Scan QR : Interested? All information & Signup: Deadline: 17th of September 2018