Jesus: Worthy of All Praise The Vision of the Apostle John
The Apostle John Recognized as one of greatest apostles Overseer of the church at Ephesus Wrote gospel of John and three epistles As an old man he was exiled to Isle of Patmos - “…for the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.”
Book of Revelation Jesus appeared to John in a vision Jesus revealed to John the prophecy we know as the book of Revelation.
The Outline of Revelation There are three divisions; Revelation 1:19. “…the things which you have seen” -Chapter 1 “…the things which are” - Church Age, Chapter 2, 3 “…the things which will take place after these things.” - Chapter 4-20
Caught Up Into Heaven John is caught up in spirit to heaven He observes the events that follow the church age John wrote what he saw in Heaven
God On His Throne emanating a brilliant, clear light with a fiery red light glowing at the center Clear light represents God’s pure holiness Red light His justice burning in wrath In the background is an emerald green rainbow representing God’s mercy Those who carefully read on in the book of Revelation find that there will be seven years following the church age which can be labeled “The Wrath of God” (see Revelation 6:16, 17). The wrath of God will fall with increasing intensity on those who persist in their rebellion against His authority. At the same time His mercy is abundantly available to those who yield to His authority and receive His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Savior.
24 Elders Clothed in white garments In a circle about the throne of God Golden crowns on their heads 12 are presumed to represent the 12 tribes of Israel and 12 represent the twelve apostles
Four Living Creatures Each has six wings One creature is like a lion One creature is like a calf One creature is like a man One creature is like an eagle Ezekiel and Isaiah had a similar vision
The Living Creatures Guard the approach to God’s Throne Proclaim God’s holiness Lead others in worship In response the twenty-four elders fall down before the Father and worship Him. Revelation 4:11
The Book In The Father’s Right Hand Books were in the form of scrolls --up to 30 feet long. This book had seven seals As each seal is broken, more of the scroll is opened and read
The Mysterious, Unopened Book A mighty angel asks, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose it seals?” 24 elders bow in silence 4 Living creatures bow in silence The assembly, cherubim, seraphim and archangels are mute
No One Can Open the Book “…No one in heaven or on the earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look at it.” Revelation 5:3 John wept greatly.
Required Process for God To Reclaim Ruler-ship Over The World What Is The Book Required Process for God To Reclaim Ruler-ship Over The World As each seal is broken the book reveals events that brings the kingdoms of the world closer to being reclaimed for God and Jesus, His Son We are aware that God bestowed upon the first man the authority to rule over God’s creation. (Genesis 1:28). We are also aware that Lucifer, the highest and most powerful being God created, rebelled against God. With great subtlety he tempted Eve to disobey God. When she did Adam joined her in disobedience. As a result man’s authority to rule over God’s creation was lost. Lucifer seized the scepter of universal rule that fell from Adam’s hand. He effectively became the god of this world and he primarily uses his power to keep unsaved men and women from coming to an understanding of salvation. This is why it is important that the ruler-ship of the world must be taken away from Lucifer and restored to God. That book in God’s hands contains the steps necessary to bring this to pass.
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David Weeping John lifts his eyes to the throne, expecting to see a lion. Instead, he sees standing before the throne a Lamb as if it had been slain
The Lamb Takes The Book The living creatures, the 24 elders, the Cherubim, Seraphim and Arch-angels say, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.” Revelation 5:12
Heaven and Earth Rejoices Every created being in heaven, on the earth and on the seas join in singing, “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, forever and ever.” - Revelation 5:13b.
Jesus Is Worthy Because He was slain for our sins. 1st Peter 1:18, 19 - Isaiah 53:4-6 Because He purchased people for God from every ethnic group
Jesus, Worthy Of All Praise Because He was our sinless sacrifice For defeating Satan, death, and hell For rising again with all authority For saving to the uttermost all who come to Him by faith For comforting us in grief and sorrow