Hargrave JROTC Falcon Battalion National Hot Rod Association Event US Army NHRA Partnership 21- 22 April 2015 Event NHRA outreach programs to local High Schools with concentration on Robotics' and JROTC . Communication Objectives: The purpose of the event is to reach local schools STEM and Robotics programs in the state of Texas. In the Falcon Battalion this event opened new doors of opportunities that potential STEM/Robotics’ students could benefit in the future. Activities: US Army NHRA driver Tony Schumacher brought out many Army dragster cars to display to the Hargrave JROTC/Student body and conducted questioned and answers along with photos with students. Tony Schumacher provided tickets for the race over the weekend to Hargrave. Key Take-Aways: Promoting our STEM/JROTC programs afford numerous opportunities for the Hargrave Students that will help in the future.