What Your Favorite Season? Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits Teacher Page This lesson will help students identify the four seasons. The lesson will allow students to understand the four different seasons. Students will be able to match up the appropriate clothing that is needed for each of the different seasons. Students will also be able to identify some or all of the holidays celebrated during each of the seasons -
Task Everyone will be given the appropriate resources to reasearch online about the four seasons. Also to find out the different holidays practiced in each of these different seasons. You will be able to research on the web to gain more information. You will be allowed to work with a partner to complete the given tasks. After the research you and your partner will be able to put all the gathered information into a mini presentation for the class. You fill focus on the questions given below: 1. Research the following: What are the four seasons? What is the weather like during each of the seasons? What holidays are celebrated during each of the seasons? What kind of clothes would you recommend Tim and Tina to wear during each of the seasons? 2. Activities: Go to each website and follow the directions. Find pictures on websites that can help you with the research.
Process Are you ready to begin your research? Please follow each of the steps in color by order ~First of all, follow the link below and watch one of the two videos given: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTXtSGf1VdY http://www.brainpopjr.com/science/weather/seasons/ - I hope either the song or the mini movie helped you boys and girls get familiar with what the four seasons are. ~Second, think about how you can help Tim and Tina.Lets look at some of the things that has been mentioned about Tim and Tina. They are from a hot, hot island and they dont know about the other seasons we have in New York -Next, research the following: * Have one person take notes while the other does the researching process. Please take turns so we can be FAIR! Remember to take notes on a separate piece of paper so you can use your notes for your presentation! The types of weather we have during Summer, Fall, Spring, and Winter.( You can use the video above to help you identify the corresponding weather conditions for each of the different seasons). What appropriate clothing can you tell Tim and Tina to wear in the Summer, Fall, Spring, and in the Winter. Think about the types of clothes you would wear during those seasons so you can help Tim and Tina. Lets also research what types of holidays take place during each of the different seasons. Are you ready to put your research hats on?? Lets research..... In order to help you with your research the following links below and the activities you will see soon, will help you get more information. Please remember to take notes each step of the way so you can get information for Tim and Tina!!! Please use only the links I have provided below and no outside websites. Poor Tim and Tina are so confused, so carefully do your research so you can give
-Follow the link below, it will give you hints on what types of holidays fall in those four seasons: http://www.first-school.ws/theme/seasons.htm -Learn what to wear in the different seasons. The website below will allow you to practice dressing on a weather bear. Make sure you check the temperature and dress him with the most appropriate clothing. http://www.fossweb.com/modulesK-2/AirandWeather/activities/whatstheweather.html You may also check out the following links below, they will help you get familiar with the terms by putting a picture to relate to them. http://www.photon-echoes.com/autumn_images.htm http://www.photon-echoes.com/winter_images.htm http://www.photon-echoes.com/spring_images.htm http://www.photon-echoes.com/flower_images.htm Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bUDylndVoY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTXtSGf1VdY http://www.brainpopjr.com/science/weather/seasons/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rxaWn8N2gE&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmIFXIXQQ_E Games: Fall Games Winter Games Spring Games Summer Games
ENJOY!!! Great job researching boys and girl! Now, take all the information you have gathered and fill out the two activity sheets I have below. Please write your answers on a separate sheet of paper with your name and work by yourself. The answer sheet must be handed to me before you leave the class. Thank-you!
2.What season is this? __________________ ACTIVITY №1: FOUR SEASONS 1.What season is this? __________________ 2.What season is this? __________________ 3.What season is this? __________________ 4.What season is this? __________________
ACTIVITY №2 : Boys and Girls, now you are going to identify the seasons. Answer questions #1-4 on a separate sheet of paper. Please work independently and hand me your answers before you leave. Thank-You 1) Which one of these pictures was taken in the spring time? A B C D
2) What do I look like if the season is Fall? А B C D
3) I like to play in the snow, which weather is perfect to play in the snow? A B C D
4) Which one of the pictures below do you think was taken in the summer time? A B C D
Evaluation Beginning 1 Developing 2 Qualified 3 Exemplary 4 Score Beginning 1 Developing 2 Qualified 3 Exemplary 4 Score Students will be able to name all the seasons Student will be able to name one of the seasons. Student will be able to name two of the seasons. Student will be able to name three of the seasons. Student will be able to name four of the seasons. Student will be able to identify corresponding weather conditions for each of the four seasons Student will be able to match one weather trait to the correct season. Student will be able to match two weather traits to the correct season. Student will be able to match three weather traits to the correct season. Student will be able to match more than three weather traits to the correct season. Students will be able to identify the holidays celebrated in all of the seasons Student will be able to identify one holiday practiced in one of the seasons. Student will be able to identify one or more holidays practiced in two of the seasons. Student will be able to identify one or more holidays practiced in three of the seasons. Student will be able to identify one or more holidays practiced in four of the seasons. Students will be able to follow each of the three steps mentioned in process. Student will be able to follow one of the step Student will be able to follow step one and step two. Student will be able to follow Step 1,2,3 Student will be able to follow all of the directions
Conclusion Boys and Girls you are almost done, you have done a great job so far Now, talk to your partner and discuss about all the informations you have gathered. Some of the things you want to mention are the types of seasons in a year? The types of clothing necessary for each of the different seasons? The different types of holidays that we celebrate during each of the different seasons? Give about 3-5 minutes and discuss it with your partner. Next, please work with your partner and write a letter to Tim and Tina. Consider the following bulletpoints below when writing your letter. Explain to them how many seasons are in a year? What are they? Explain to Tim and Tina what type of weather to expect in each of the different seasons. Explain the types of holidays that we celebrate in America during each of the different seasons. Make sure you guys put everything you learned into your letter, you will read the letter to the class out loud. You may also show any pictures you found while you were researching that you feel is important to share:) GREAT JOB!! YOU DID AWESOME!!!
This lesson will help students identify the four seasons This lesson will help students identify the four seasons. The lesson will allow students to understand the four different seasons. Students will be able to match up the appropriate clothing that is needed for each of the different seasons. Students will also be able to identify some or all of the holidays celebrated during each of the seasons