Pre-Season Coaches Meetings: Set the tone for success Don Dalziel – Shoreline School District Robert Polk – Everett School District
Why hold the meeting? To educate coaches so they can effectively teach their sport, manage risk, decrease drama To reduce district liability if a coach is negligent To attempt to teach common sense to adults
Making Presentations Effective Brain Rules, Chapter 4 – Attention Brains can focus for 10 minutes at a time Change it up with videos, group discussions Brains need breaks to digest information Emotions get our attention Link an emotional story to important information Make information relevant to coaches survival Brains cannot multi-task Cell phones put away
What to cover Mission/Vision of educational athletics Road map to help decision making Practice expectation Yearly/Season plan Daily practice plans with coaches Athletes properly equipped and engaged Effective teaching/coaching No secrets - Tell them, show them, remind them constantly what you want – practice, study table, film review, etc Effective feedback builds confidence, understanding
What to cover WIAA/League Policies Out of season, recruiting, coaches education standards, admission prices District Policies Overnight trips, drugs/alcohol/tobacco, ASB, blood borne pathogens, Duty to Report Child Abuse
What to cover Legal Duties – LTC 504 Grooming Behavior Facebook, texting, special treatment Hazing/Harassment Health and Safety Facility repairs, concussions, return to play, communicable diseases, weather Drugs/Alcohol, steroids
Suggested Information to Include Successes of Student-Athletes Athlete v. Non-Athlete GPA, test scores, attendance, competition College Eligibility: D1, D2, NAIA Effective teaching/coaching strategies
Turn it over to Don Dalziel Shoreline School District